Chapter 1- A What? A Scholarship?

Start from the beginning

As the trios are finishing up, I head to our room to do my makeup, hair, and put on my costume. I am going close to last in the solo competition. No one knows their results yet, so I have not been worrying about that, which is good.

"Are you really going to look like that for your solo performance?"  I hear a voice say behind me.

I turn around and see that it's Olivia. Olivia dances in another dance studio, and that dance studio is our greatest rival. I have had the most solo performances for my studio, and Olivia has had the most solo performances for her studio. When we compete at the same competition, we are usually pretty close.

"Better than what you're wearing," I retort back.

"I know my performance will be better than yours from what I have seen so far," replies Olivia.

"Well at least--"

"Number 128 to the stage," announces the speakers.

"Watch this and be scared," Olivia says as she walks to the stage.

I stood there trying to calm down after my interaction with Olivia. I try to stay calm especially close to my performance time. I have to be completely calm before I perform, or else I'll freeze up.

"Just breathe," I hear Harry say behind me. "Don't listen to her; I know you will do well and your performance will be perfect because I know you worked hard for it," Harry continues.

"Thanks Harry," I say as he engulfs me in a hug.

"Number 386 to the stage," the speakers project.

I wave him goodbye as he walks to take his seat in the big auditorium while I walk toward the stage.

I gracefully walk onto the stage taking my position. I am going to dance to a ballad, and it is going to take everything I have to execute this perfectly. I float across the stage dancing to the rhythm as a let out every emotion.

As the song finishes I exit the stage in the same manner I walked on it. I hurry down to our team's room hearing my teammates' voices through the cracked door.

They all hug me and tell me how good that performance was.

"That was so beautiful," says my teammate Isabella.

We all hang out in the room while we wait for the judges to call us back into the auditorium to hear the results.

"No matter what the results are I want to let all of you know how proud of you I am," says Coach. "You all gave such good performances and danced your hearts out," continues Coach Wilson. "I don't care what the results are because I am happy with what we have already accomplished," finishes Coach.

We all took a seat in our group in the auditorium. They start the announce the winners of the girl and boy groups, but we are all too nervous to pay attention.

When we hear our studio's name being called for first place for the co-ed competition we jumped out of our seats and head up to the stage to get our trophy. They awarded us a vacation to New Zealand as our prize.

Liam and Eleanor got first place for their duo. Isabella, Ava, and Brittney got second place for their trio performance. They were all rewarded with gift cards.

They announce the third place for the solo competition, and I was happy for her because of how good her performance was.

"Second place for the solo competition goes to Olivia Williams," announces the judge.

Olivia walks up to the stage to get her trophy with a smirk on her face.

"Olivia will be rewarded the use of our premier studio for one month free," says the judge as Olivia walks off the stage.

"The first place winner in both the solo competition and the best overall performance goes to Jasmine Cortes," announces the judge.

I am relieved as I hear my name being called. I walk onto the stage to receive my trophy while my teammates cheer me on.

"Because Jasmine is the first place solo dancer and the overall best performer, we are rewarding her with a scholarship to study dance in Chicago," says the judge as I'm walking off of the stage.

The smile disappears on my face as I'm shocked.

"A what? A scholarship? In Chicago?" I thought as I stood frozen there.

Author's Note:

Hi guys! This is our first story, so please be patient with us. We know it starts off slow, but it will get faster. Please leave comments and recommendations below, so we can improve our story. We will be updating as much as we can as soon as we have time. So stay tuned for more. We can't wait to continue to write this story!!

Above is a picture of Jasmine Cortes we are using for this story; the photo rights go to the owner.

Also we are looking for a new cover, so if any of you want to, you can send in a cover, and we will use it. The chapter will be dedicated to you.

Follow our instagram and snapchat!-- lifeofdaparty_sm

Thanks for reading!

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