Chapter Forty-Two

Start from the beginning

Polly had a lot prepared before the birth , a lot more than Betty expected from her care free sister who was renound for "going with the flow". At their family caravan located on the bank on the furthest side of Sweet Water river was all the babies needed. Two cribs, two car seats, tiny gender orientated and crème clothing. 

Betty and Jughead, of course assisted by Veronica who was ecstatic to see the twins, travelled around the river, collected the trailers contents and took them home. Setting the shared nursery up quickly in the spare bedroom down the hall. It wasn't perfect but it was good enough.

The separation between Polly and the twins was the hardest part. Despite being on strong pain killers and only conscious for a few hours a day, Polly's maternal bond had kicked in. She understandably became attached to them, taking them away from each other forced pain inside Betty. But Polly still persisted, tears streaming, she knew she would be home within the week anyway.

The first few days were made of pure mayhem. She had Hermione over at least once a day, explaining what to actually do with these tiny humans. Jughead was none the more clearer. Claire had forced him to attend school, but allowed him to help after school up until curfew. Which of course he broke time and time again, escaping through his window.

Betty was granted a personal leave from school, due to her high grades and punctuality. Of which none helped her with the babies. She brought tears to her ducts when she couldn't settle Evelyn, the name Polly eventually settled upon. After much deliberation, her bouncing baby boy was named Mason Jason Cooper.

But as with all things, it got easier with time. By the end of the week things had started to look up, for everyone. Betty had finally started to understand the basics, starting to form a realistic routine; Archie was finally released from hospital; Polly was told she was to be release at the end of the following week and Veronica had finally come to terms with her Fathers release from Prison- scheduled for the next month.

But Betty was tiered, the twins were both physically and emotionally draining. They were like tiny orbs that sucked the life out of anything that crossed their paths. Even Jughead began to feel the symptoms. But they were more than she could of ever dreamed of none the less.

Once a week had past since their birth, they were scheduled for a general appointment- in order to make sure they are developing regularly. As expected, everything was perfect. And despite being born three weeks premature, Mason was around the average weight of a regular week old boy. Evelyn was slightly on the smaller side, but that was nothing to be worried about they were assured. It only meant that even new born sized clothes would droop around her tiny body.

Both Betty and Jughead were relieved, constantly scared they would mess up and scar the babies for the remainder of their lives. But the positive feedback assured them they weren't doing as bad as they initially thought.

They stopped to visit Polly on their way out , her recovery process was becoming faster and faster. Making her time with the twins even more precious.

But eventually, Jughead and Betty had to take the twins home. Betty sat in the back between both car seats, not wanting to take her eyes off of them. Jughead drove, constantly checking in if he was driving to fast.

It was times like this Betty imagined her own life with children, the times when everything seemed perfect. A small bundle of love to call her own.

They pulled up home, Betty rushing to take the twins inside. Wanting to keep to Polly's promise of routine, it was time for their feed.

 Betty began with both car seats , one in both hands. That was until he rushed to her side, taking Evelyn with him. Jughead couldn't deny it and as much as it broke his character, he had become attached to the babies. More than he would like, knowing very well within a week they will be returned to their mother. He cared about how they were developing, he cared about if they slept , how well they ate. He strangely enjoyed the sleepless nights knowing well he was waking up to them.

What he loved most though was parenting them with Betty in Polly's absence. It brought them closer in a strange way, an indescribable bond and connection created. It brought them closer together. Making them part one another's difference and be supportive for the sake of the babies.

Betty closed in on the locked door. Gently swaying and cooing at Mason who was beginning to fuss, ready for his dinner.

"Shhhh, Mason." Jughead soothed as Betty placed the carry cot onto the floor. Quickly using her keys to unlock the door.

The door unlocked smoothly and Betty headed straight for the bottle steriliser. She picked Mason and carried him on her chest trying to best to soothe the tempered tot.

"Need a hand?" A feminine voice call behind her. Betty dropped the bottle of formulae in response.

She spun on her heels, shocked at what she saw.


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