"I don't know." He muttered. His face then grew into a smile at the same Time as the Stones. "Let's find out."

He took the Time Lady's hand and they raised down the stairs trying not to trip over their own or each other's feet as they went. Arriving at what seemed to be the check in they looked around curiously and moved over to the desk. The Doctor rang the small bell on the desk and jumped with the Time Lady when three people ran out from around the corner.

A woman with a chair leg pointed at the Time Lords. A man who had a mouse like face waved a flag between her and the young man with thick glasses who held a vase in defense looking slightly out of his comfort zone.

The Doctor pulled the Stone towards him after their fright

"Blimey, that was a bit quick." The Doctor said eyeing the three.

"We surrender." The rodent-like man waving the flag said.

"No, it's okay, we're not-" Rory tried to explain.

"We surrender."

"We're nice."

"She's threatening me and the Stone with a chair leg." The Doctor said to Amy and Rory.

"Who are you?" The woman holding the chair leg, dressed in hospital scrubs asked,

"Oh god, we're back in reception." The boy noticed.

"We surrender."

"I've never been threatened with a chair leg before." He whispered to Amy and then blinked remembering that the Stone did actually threaten him with one once when they were children. "No, hang on, I tell a lie."

"Did you just say, it's okay, we're nice?" Amy looked over at Rory.

"Okay, I need everyone to shut up, now." The woman ordered.

"Rita, be careful, yeah?"

She looked at the Doctor and then the Stone in the eyes. "Their pupils are dilated. They're as surprised as we are. Besides which, if it's a trick, it'll tell us something."

"Oh, you're good."

"Very good." The Stone nodded.

"Oh, she's good." He continued to nod. "Amy, with regret, you're fired."

"What?" She blinked in confusion. The Stone lightly jabbed her elbow into his ribs making him wince. "I'm kidding." He then silently mouthed to her thinking that the Stone wasn't paying attention. "We'll talk."

"You surrendered." The Time Lady noddealienthe ailen in between the two human. Given that and the while flag I take it that you're from Tivoli."

"Yes. The most invaded planet in the galaxy." He nodded proudly. "Our anthem is called Glory To Insert Name Here."

"You with the face, Howie." The Doctor remembered his name. "You said you were surprised to be back in reception."

"The walls move. Everything changes."

"You, clever one." He pointed at Rita. "What's he talking about?"

"The corridors twist and stretch." She explained to him. "Rooms vanish and pop up somewhere else. It's like the hotel's alive."

"That's quite enough of that." The Soxtor muttered walking over to the desk and fonding the cassette player, turning off the music before returning back to the Stones side.

"Yeah, and it's huge, with, like, no way out." Howie nodded at them.

"Have you tried the front door?" Rory asked.

Times Will Change [6] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now