Chapter 14

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Vampire Enclave
Felan's POV

My body trembled at the feeling of being marked, and I loved it. I watched carefully as Kyran took more of my blood, feeding from me. I didn't mind, the euphoric feeling keeping me from feeling pain, but in my mind, I knew I'd regret it.

And I did.

I felt weak and gave a small whimper, causing Kyran to pull away quickly. Seeing my own blood drip from his mouth gave made me a little scared of him, and I regretted showing it on my face.

Kyran's eyes widened, sensing my fear, and he pushed me away before rushing off, wiping the blood from his mouth. I sat alone in the room, my heat having gone down slightly after being marked. It would flare up again, though, after my body realizes I haven't mated with Kyran.

I watched him go with a pained expression. It wasn't fear of him that I was feeling. Just the opposite. I loved the way he had marked me, combining two different traditions. It made me feel closer to him.

Getting up, I felt dizziness take over as I stumbled to the door. He took too much blood... Shaking my head to clear it, I rushed after his scent, stumbling along the hallway. Thankfully, Alvah and Wynn had gone home already and weren't there to see me in such a state.

Kyran's scent led me to his office, and I pulled gently on the doorknob. Unfortunately, it was locked. Knocking softly, I called out. "Kyran? Kyran, please, open the door!"

Silence. I tried again, more frantic this time. "Kyran!! Open the door!! Please!"

Again, I was met with silence.

Biting my lip, I panicked. What if he doesn't ever come out? What if he avoids me? What if he... My body stiffened, my blood chilling. What if he rejects me? Tears threatened to fall as I covered my mouth, stifling a sob. "Kyran," my voice was thick with tears. "Please, open the door!"

"... No. I... I can't." His voice came out, strangled and in pain.

My heart clenched at the sound, but I rejoiced at the fact that he'd actually answered me. "Why not?"

"Because!! What if I... What if I hurt you? I wasn't myself when I was taking your blood. If I lose control like that again-" a frustrated growl sounded out. "-I can't lose you, Felan. I just can't."

I leaned against the door, breathing softly. "... Then you don't have to." I said in a whisper. "I... I won't leave, I prom-"

A hand slammed against a wall, silencing me. Kyran spoke again. "Don't say that. Do you know how many times I've lost someone to a promise? They promise they'll stay even after seeing the real me, and then they run away screaming, they're only excuse being that I'm not normal. That I'm monster. I don't want you to run from me too."

"But... I'm still here, aren't I? Even after you took my blood, even after you ran, aren't I still here, talking to you? I... I'm not like them - those others. I know what it feels like to be ridiculed. I mean, I'm a Werewolf, remember? I'm just as much a monster as you."

Kyran was silent, only his heavy breathing a sign that he was still there. I held my breath until finally, the lock clicked. The door opened slightly and Kyran peeked out at me, his eyes filled with doubt. I reached out and touched his cheek gently, hurt when he flinched away. Still, I kept my hand against his cheek.

His hand snaked up and touched mine, gently at first, before clasping them together and squeezing my hand. I smiled, making his own mouth twitch. He opened his mouth to speak just as a knock sounded through the house.

We didn't move, glancing at each other and then towards the stairs. When nothing happened, Kyran looked down at me, still holding my hand against his face as he reached down, his eyes hooded. I watched his lips grow closer - just inches from my own - before my eyes closed as well. His lips had barely brushed mine when another knock sounded.

Annoyed, Kyran let go of my hand, scowling his way down the stairs to answer the door. I stayed upstairs, cooling my burning face while watching from the stairs as Kyran opened the door. "What?!" He demanded.

"Oh, Kyran, what have I said about your greetings? They need work." A voice drawled. Kyran's eyes widened and his scowl deepened. Despite his reaction, the visitor pushed past him and entered the house.

It was a man, his eyes hooded as if he was eternally bored with everything, and his lips were curved in a smirk while he looked around. He had bright red hair ruffled up in a just-got-out-of-bed style, and his red eyes were filled with mischief.  He was about Kyran's height, a head and a half taller than me, and wore extremely nice clothes - a white dress shirt and red slacks underneath a beautiful red trenchcoat. His hands were gloved, and he used a long, intricately carved golden cane.

His eyes wandered around the house, taking in the space. "In a hundred years you've never thought to decorate? I could help, if you'd like."

Kyran huffed. "Sorry, I'd rather not have my house look like as much of a strip club as yours."

The man shrugged. "Suit yourself." He continued to look around until his eyes found me. We stared at each other for a moment, my heart pounding with fear and confusion. Who is he? Why is he here? What's his relationship with Kyran?

The man, however, stared at me quietly, his eyes wide for a second before they drooped down to their usual droopyness. His smirk, though, grew wider while his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes filled with a cold curiosity. He sneered. "Well, well, well..." His eyes moved from me to Kyran with interest. "What do we have here?"

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