Chapter 6

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Neutral Territory
Felan's POV

The rain started about five minutes ago, and I was already soaked to the bone. It was freezing, pouring, and quiet. I hadn't been able to find shelter, and now I have to tough it out in the heavy rain. When it dies down we'll find shelter. My wolf didn't respond, weakened by the weather and the rejection of our mate.

I didn't feel anything as I lay there, not even death being a mindful thing. Instead, I wished for it. Hoping to get rid of this pain. It was clear that Kyran didn't care. He had yet to come and find me, if he had even tried to.

I didn't think he'd accept me, but I had dared to hope. Not even my pack was willing to take me in like he had; they did it at the Beta's urging. Even so, he is - was - my mate. Shouldn't that count for something? No. Because Vampires are monsters. They kill and feed without thinking of the life they took. Everything is just a game to them. Even things like mates, which are vital to werwolf survival.

The rain pounded down relentlessly, even my high body heat doing nothing to save me from the cold. I could shift, but my wolf is weak, and I can't shift without him. I need to save strength.

The rain let up late in the day, my chattering teeth forcing a small smile. I glanced around, looking for someplsce dry and, hopefully, warm. A small cluster of trees shone out in the distance, and I broke into a painful jog. It was as dry as it would get under there, and I sighed.

The rain picked up once more, and I was grateful for the trees overhead, keeping me moderately dry. I looked up, staring at the sky. If the rain doesn't stop soon...

Neutral Territory
Kyran's POV

"Felan!! Felan!! Where are you?!"

Alvah and I ran through the forest, my eyes searching desperately for any sign of Felan. Alvah had spotted faint footprints, almost worn away by the rain. We followed them until they were completely gone, and found ourselves in a clearing.

My chest squeezed painfully, begging Felan to be okay. If I had known he had no pack to go back to. What would I have done? Taken him? Claimed him? Accepted him? Even of I did, he would not be accepted by the council, nor by the other Vampires. But, even so, is it still better to let him go?

No. He is mine. My... Mate.

My chest fluttered at that thought. The thought of accepting Felan made me happy. He is... Different. Small, and cute, vulnerable. Something I have to protect. Even if I am shunned by the others, it is not like it will be anything they haven't done. The council will do whatever they think will get me to listen, and they think that ignoring me will work.

The mud squished between my feet, and my clothes were soaked, but I refused to give up. I will find him, and correct my mistake.

"Kyran!! Look!"

I turned to Alvah, following his finger to see a small bundle of trees by the clearing. But that's not what caught my attention. What I saw,was the small, shaking form of a boy. Felan.

I raced over, pulling him from the ground. His eyes fluttered open, his mouth barely moving as he whispered, "K-Kyran? What are you-"

"Shh... It's okay now. I'm going to take you home."

He leaned against me, inhaling deeply. His face colored, his hands fisting my shirt. Sparks flew across my vision the entire time I carried him back.

His small form was wet, muddy, and cold. I felt so guilty, I couldn't describe how much I wanted to make up for this. I fed him and showered him, sitting at his bedside as he slept. I leaned down, whispering in his ear. "Felan, I'm sorry."

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