Chapter 10

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Vampire Enclave
Kyran's POV

I sat with Felan in my arms, frozen as he smiled. He leaned into my touch, almost purring. When I didn't say anything, he looked up, worried. "K-Kyran? Is... Something wrong?"

I swallowed, looking at him with guilty eyes. "Felan... I-"

I was abruptly cut off by a loud knock at the door. We jumped, startled. I picked Felan up, setting him on the couch and walking to the door. I opened the door, revealing a very disheveled Wynn. His dark hair stuck up in the front, making him look much younger than I knew he was. He turned to me with pleading red eyes. "Is... Is Alvah here? Please tell me he's here! I've looked everywhere else!"

I sighed, nodding. He almost slumped with relief and gratitude, following me inside. I led him to the living room, letting him sit while I fetched Alvah. Wynn froze almost immediately when he saw Felan's small form, only to relax when he saw it wasn't Alvah.

Felan looked curious, but gave Wynn a shy smile. "Wynn, this is Felan, my mate. Felan, this is Wynn, Alvah's lover."

Felan's eyes lit up. "Really?! Alvah's been really worried about contacting you."

This took Wynn's attention, and I left the two to talk. I made my way upstairs, knocking on the guest room door. Alvah opened it, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Yes...?"

"Wynn is here to get you."

Alvah was alert at once, slamming the door in my face. The conversation downstairs dwindled until I heard the quickened sound of footsteps. Wynn shot up the stairs, followed by Felan. "What happened?" Wynn demanded.

"Your lover refuses to see you. Slammed the door when he heard you were here."

Pain flashed through Wynn's eyes, and I tugged Felan's arm. "Come on," I said gently. "Give them some space."

Wynn gave me a grateful smile, and knocked on the door softly just as I lead Felan downstairs. We sat together on the couch, listening to Wynn's soft pleadings. There was yelling from Alvah as well, but Wynn never raised his voice. There was a soft click before more yelling, then the two tumbled inside the room. The door closed and I sighed. "Should have thrown them out. Those two will be at it till tomorrow."

Felan blushed and I chuckled. "I meant the arguing."

He nodded. "I-... I know."

His innocent personality was absolutely adorable. I leaned closer, nuzzling my face into his neck. He said nothing, only leaned his head against my own. We said nothing, enjoying the silence.

Finally, Felan spoke. "Kyran... What was it you wanted to say earlier?"

I swallowed, suddenly remembering watch happened. Instead of answering, I pulled Felan closer. He gave a small squeak, then began to move out of my arms. I held his waist tighter, loving the buzz of sparks that flew through my mind. Sighing contently, I nuzzled his back. After a moment of silence, Felan spoke. "K-Kyran? Didn't... Didn't you want to say something?"

I pulled away, looking at him. After a deep breath, I spoke. "I'm... I'm the reason..."


"I'm the reason... Your pack threw you out."

Felan blinked and I continued. "I was the Vampire your father died fighting. I killed your Beta. It's all my fault."

I looked down, not wanting to see the look of anger on Felan's face. A minute passed before I felt his small hand cup my cheek, pulling my head up. Felan smiled, but his eyes held sadness. "Kyran, it's okay."

I pushed him away. "No!! It's not okay!! I killed your family!"

Felan sighed, sitting back on my lap. "Well... You weren't responsible for the raid, were you?" I shook my head. "Then, you didn't kill my mother. And she told me the dispute with the Lord was caused by unreasonable demands made by our Alpha. He was the original target. I'd be okay with you killing him. My father died righteously protecting his leader. Doesn't that count for something?"

"But, the Beta-"

His eyes flashed once more with pain. "Well... I didn't ask him to take revenge. And, you were protecting yourself. If he'd killed you, I'd have lost my mate. In a way... Isn't it a good thing I got thrown out?"

I was silent, processing this. If he hadn't left, I'd have never met him. Looking at his smiling face, I nodded slowly. Finally, I smiled back. "Yeah... I guess it is."

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