Chapter 8

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Vampire Enclave
Kyran's POV

In the days following Felan's recovery I was stuck to him like glue. I stayed with him as he lay in bed, and provided him with everything he needed. I felt awful seeing him in such a terrible state after throwing him out, and decided to never let him go again.

Luckily, I had not made the foolish mistake of rejecting him. As little as I know about Werewolf tradition, I know that rejection is fatal. Of course, I wasn't sure how even if I wanted to. I had never thought to look up on the more specific details, seeing as I didn't think I'd end up in this scenario.

But I cared for Felan. He is fascinating, helpless, clumsy... Cute. It made me chuckle to think of the small boy trying to reach the plates from the tall kitchen cabinets.

Alvah helped out, too. He stayed to watch Felan when I had to step out, and kept me company. Overall, it was nice. Wynn had yet to come for him, so Felan helped to reassure him. "I'm sure he's coming for you." He patted Alvah's shoulder. "He loves you, after all."

"How can you be sure?!" Alvah cried. "It's been almost a week!!"

Felan thought for a moment. "Well, you live forever, right? And you'd wait an eternity to have Wynn. Don't worry."

Alvah thought about it then nodded, turning to hug Felan. Jealousy rose in my chest, and I cut into the moment. "You know, you could contact him first."

The two jumped apart, Alvah glaring and Felan blushing. He'd been thinking the same thing but, unlike me, he was nice enough not to say it. "I was the one who ran away!" Alvah cried. "What makes you think I could contact him?! I'd probably get yelled at!"

"But, you won't know if you don't try." Felan said gently. "Besides, if he really loves you I'm sure he wouldn't yell. He's probably really worried. After all, you've been gone for a week."

Alvah chewed his lip, thinking it over. He looked at Felan who smiled and nodded before looking over at me. I shrugged. "Might as well face the music."

Alvah's face paled and Felan glared at me. I felt a flutter in my chest as I looked at his adorably mad face. He seemed to realize what I was doing, an turned away with a huff. But not before I could see the deep blush that had settled itself on his face. His blush always made my heart thump.

His naturally pale face turning red, spreading from his cheeks and even going across the bridge of his nose. It made his blue eyes stand out, and his skin seemed even paler. If I hadn't known better, I would have said he was an ethereal. A fairy, or perhaps a sprite. Either way, he was adorable.

I sighed at Alvah, pulling him out of the room. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't force your worries onto my mate."

"Oh? Your mate?"

I put a hand to my face, snarling. Alvah held up his hands in surrender. "Look, just call Wynn already, okay? I don't know how much longer I can stand you bring here without wanting to ring your neck."

Alvah cringed, knowing I was one to follow through with threats. It was the only way I'd survive in this cruel game of life. Vampires are ruthless creatures, even to an orphaned one of their own. Yet they still expect you to follow their rules of you're a Vampire.

I pushed Alvah out of the room, my thoughts leading me to another question. Werewolves are much more reliable and caring towards one of their own pack, so why was Felan thrown out of his?

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