Chapter 1

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Vampire Enclave
Kyran's POV

"Did you really think you'd be able to get away with this?" The man before me trembled causing amusement to rise in my chest. "N-no... Of course not, my lord." I chuckled, watching as his eyes darted across the room. "Well, you obviously thought you could. Why else would anyone dare to oppose me? Other than to kill me, perhaps. Is that what you were trying to do?"

The man gasped, the fear in his eyes crumbling into complete terror. I smiled, my sharp fangs gleaming in the dim candle light. "That won't do. No one has ever been able to come close to killing me. What makes you think you're any different? No matter, you'll make an excellent dinner." In one swift movement, I buried my teeth in the man's neck, watching as the life drained from his eyes with every drop of blood I took.

Finally, I released the man, watching as his body slumped to the ground. I licked my lips, ridding myself of any remaining blood stains. Sitting back down, I waited as the guards took the body away. "How disappointing... His blood wasn't even worth the kill."

Sighing, I turned my head slightly to address the newcomer. "How impolite. If you're going to be here, at least let me know. Or, if you're here to kill me, you should try to be quieter." The person stopped, astonished by my words. "You've obviously never heard the term 'Vampire' before, have you?" A growl of frustration escaped the man as he charged towards me, raising a weapon in his hands.

I quickly stood, dodging the attack and pinning the man against the wall. The weapon clattered to the ground, the sound echoing throughout the room. I glanced down at it, scoffing as I realized what the weapon was.

"A stake... How absolutely insulting. I swear, you and your stupid rumors. 'Vampires can be killed with stakes' 'Vampires hate garlic' 'Oh my, did you hear? Vampires can be subdued by crosses.'" I paused for a moment, leaning down towards the man. "Wait... you're not human, are you?"

Clenching his teeth, the man pushed against me, whimpering as I tightened my grip. "A mutt!" I laughed. "A stupid Werewolf has come to kill me!" My laughter seemed to annoy the man even more, so instead I leaned down, whispering in his ear. "Don't think I'll let you off easy, dog."

"Do what you will, Vampire. Werewolves are tougher than you think." I smirked. "The penalties for trespassing and attempted murder should not be taken so lightly. Especially if those charges were against a Vampire. Besides, I've always wanted to try Werewolf blood."

I sank my teeth into the man's neck, watching as he continued to struggle. I stopped for a moment, leaning down to pick up the stake. "Interesting... So this is what Werewolf blood tastes like... Hmm. Too much iron. Much too salty. Plus, it's not as fun to let you die just like that. I find it more enjoyable to to 'play' with my victims." With that, I plunged the stake into his back.

The man howled in pain, blood seeping into his shirt and running down my hands. Pulling back, I allowed him to fall over, clutching his stomach. "Tsk, tsk. You've gotten blood all over my hands." I lifted my leg back, landing a hard blow onto the stake imbedded in his back.

I continued the process, lodging the wooden stake into his back until it was no longer visible. By then the man had stopped moving, his eyes glazed over as his blood stained the floor.

I smiled, my fangs dripping with red blood. "Shall we send him back to his pack? It is the polite thing to do. And it's only fair since they went through all the trouble to send him here. Would you like to go back, wolf?" As expected, the man didn't answer.

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