Chapter 4

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A/N this takes place right after the movie. Hope you can enjoy this chapter. I was inspired by my brother. I have no idea how but he just walked into my room and BAM!!!!!! The idea hit me. I am weird. :D


After Elsa ate she retired to her bedroom. She walked into her room and saw Loki, "Did I not tell you that you would find your way," he told her with a playful smile upon his lips.

"And you confessed you loved me," Elsa said. Loki's cheeks turned a deep pink and he lowered his head. Elsa walked to him till they were less than a foot away, "no worries, I am willing to love you as well."

Loki looked at Elsa in disbeleif, "How can you be willing to love me? I am the one who gave you that awful curse, and all because of me-"

Elsa cut him off, "It was because of you? Why would you lie to me? Did I ever do anything to you?"

"I had no intentions to lie to you. You weren't ready for the truth. When I was just a child, the King and Queen decided to who I were to marry in the future. Being defiant, I told them I were to run away to here and find someone who would love me, and were to marry from true love, not because I were the prince of Asgard. At that my parents were furious. They found out who I liked, which were you and told me me to give you a curse. You never did anything to me. It was me to blame and I will do anything possible to take away this horrid curse from you."

"Why would you be so defiant. They are your parents and they are trying to do what is best for you. It was not because of there needs," Elsa said, her emotions bundled up in a knot.

"So I should just give up loving you. I wanted to help you because I know how you feel. I am dealing with what you dealt with, and love can't fix who I am. I was born this monster and the most I can do is conceal it but everyone solves the puzzle at some point," Loki said looking more and more furious.

Elsa took a deep breath. About a minute later to let Loki cool off a little bit she finally spoke," Look, I am not mad at you because you love me. It is a natural feeling that I can not control. I understand that you were just a child, and you never meant for any of this to happen, but why did you lie to me in the first place?"

Loki slowly sat down on my bed and said, "I had myself to me that you would hate me for what I have done to you. I love you Elsa and I thought if you never found out, I might have a chance of you loving me as well."

She didn't know what to do. She hated how he lied to her but loved how sweet he was to her and and tried his best to help me. Her feelings were jumbled up once again. "I don't know Loki. I am confused. I need time to think about this."

"When you wish to speak to me just call for me," he disintegrated once again, and I was left alone in my room where it started to sprinkle some snow flakes. I sat on on my bed feeling weak.

After a few minutes of thinking about what happened, Elsa began dozing off into sleep. As her eyes closed, she heard a soft knock on the door. "Elsa? Are you awake?" Anna asked through the door.

Elsa sat up groggily and said, "Come in, Anna." She did a quick stretch before her sister poked her nose through the door.

"You guys never officially met but Elsa this is Kristoff. Kristoff this is my sister Elsa," Anna said with a sweet smile upon her face as she pulled and man with shaggy blonde hair and slouched. Olaf and a reindeer followed behind them. "Oh and this is Kristoff's friend reindeer Sven."

Anna looked into Elsa's icy blue eyes in a pleading way. Pleading about what? Elsa had no clue but Elsa knew she loved this Kristoff man. "It is a pleaser to meat you, my queen," he bowed fallowed by Sven (which was adorable by the way).

Elsa returned with, "The pleaser is mine and please call me Elsa." She stood up and walked up to him. Kristoff slowly rose up and gave a small smirk to Elsa.

"Anna had told me much about you," Christof said and changed the subject.

Elsa looked to her sister to see her head down and blushing. She giggled at the sight of her sister, "Has she now?"

Anna's head shot up, "You seem tired Elsa, we should go." She pushed out Kristoff and the other but before the door closed all she heard was Olaf say


She went over and laid on her own bed. In no time she asleep, happy to be back in her own room.


A/N A little longer. Just enjoy reading and please vote and comment. A will be writing on free time so, late at night on weekdays and during the weekend. So sorry for any delays. >-)

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