Chapter 3

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A/N Please enjoy


They sat on the floor for the longest time talking about what is happening in Asgard and how things were with prince Thor. Only twice, Elsa tried to pry deeper into Loki's truth but she did not get much information. Through the conversation Loki made sure he kept his distance not wanting her to be displeased in anyway. Loki stood, "I must leave now. You shall gave company soon." He held his hand out for Elsa and she took it feeling a chill run through her spine from his ice cold hands.

Elsa pulled Loki into a hug. She whispered a," Thank you," in loki's ear. Before he left Elsa gave Loki a kiss on the cheek which made him change to a soft shade of pink on his pail skin. He disintegrated into the air and left Elsa alone with her thoughts.

After half an hour of silence, Elsa couldn't bare the silence any longer so she walked down the stairs and saw to men with crossbows. They aimed towards her but she ran back up the stair fast enough where they couldn't shoot at her.


A/N I know this chapter was a lot shorter and I apologize for that especial to One of my best friends since she told me to right a longer chapter but the movie isn't exactly fresh in my mind. This is what came out the top of my head. Please vote and comment. >-)

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