Standing Out

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Author's Note- I love Kellin Quinn as you can tell, I wanted to let everyone know I don't hate his wife, they're adorable, their relationship is something I want when I am older and the senario I made to make them divorce is something I don't want to happen it was either divorce or death and I couldn't do that but I had to make something up welp I hope you're enjoying the story and let's stop hearing from me and start hearing from Mackenzie <3

"So is this your first time drinking legally?" he asked with a little giggle at the end that made me blush "Yeah" I said with a smile "Well how many times have you drank illegally?" he asked "Well I can't count" I told him he smiled "Well how old were you when you started drinking?" he asked "on my 13 birthday, I hung out with the stoners in school and my grandma let me invite a friend over for my birthday and I invited Taylor" I laughed "She stole her moms vodka because it has been in her house for a while and no one drank it or payed it attention so she stole it and stuffed it in her bag and my grandma went to bed early so we could talk and let us feel like she didn't have her ear pressed against the door and we got out the bottle and we took a few sips and Taylor has already been drunk and I had always wanted to be drunk so that was her birthday present for me, was getting me drunk and I woke up the next morning puking my guts out but I made sure my grandma didn't know and I had a horrible hangover but I got used to getting drunk and then I quit my freshman year for my ex boyfriend because he didn't like the things I did" I said "Wow" he said I smiled "I know it sounds bad but I didn't have the best life growing up  the only real friend I had was Taylor and that wasn't until 8th grade and all the real friends I thought I had turned their backs on me for some new friend and Taylor stayed right by my side and I hated that so I drank but I can control it and I have a high tolerance" I said "Well those people are idiots for not being your friend because you seem really cool and I would of stayed, but I am going to stay by your side and your 'friends' that turned their backs on you will see you on the news and think 'wow if I would of stayed friends with her I could be on the news too being with a celebrity'" he said I smiled and then I saw Andy and Taylor come out of the store each carrying two bags Taylor must've remembered my high tolerance they get in the car and hand us the bags and I laugh we started driving and I had my hand out the window again and I seen at the corner of my eye that Kellin was looking at me I smiled and he turned away he must've fount out that I knew I seen him when I am in the car I really don't talk until someone starts a conversation mostly I just stare out the window watching us drive by house and watch the white lines on the road riding in a car is when I think the most and I feel awkward if I break silence in a car and if I am driving I usually turn on music so I don't have to talk and when I watch us go by houses and watch the white lines and think it passes time and I like that instead of anticipation and usually I think about what will happen at our destination. We finally pull into the driveway and I get out holding one of the bags and I grabbed the monster that was still un-opened and I walked behind Taylor as Andy was in the front Andy unlocked the door and I put the alcohol in the kitchen I go into the living room and sit on the couch Kellin sits on the the chair and we sit there in awkward silence I don't know what to say and neither does he and Taylor and Andy are in the kitchen making up a concoction even though this is awkward I think this is going to be a fun night 

In Love With A ScreamerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon