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"Hello?" I heard that familar voice say that was the voice of my grandma "Grandma?" I asked even when I knew who it was "Mackenzie?" she asked "Hey" I said "Woah this is random, What about Jake?" she asked "We've been broken up for a while" I said "Oh really how'd that go?" she asked "Well he was put in jail, he killed someone and I didn't know it and Taylor told the police about him abusing me and they got him in for life with the murder" I said "Oh wow honey, well at least he's gone you know I never liked him, well only one reason why I liked him, and that was because he made Braxton, most productive that boy ever was was making babies" she said "Yeah, so how's she doing?" I asked "Great, she's about to start school in about a month and I have been talking about you and she keeps saying 'I wanna see mommy'" she said I almost teared up "I miss her so much and I want her back" I said "Why?" my grandma asked "Well now Jake is out of my life and I don't have to be scared and I have a new boyfriend and he has a kid and he's an amazing father, and I am pregnant and I just fount out and I wanna have a family" I said "Well... I don't know" she said "Grandma she's mine not yours I gave birth to her not you, I am not going to be my mom and make you watch my child so I can live my life which I won't live anyway now that I am pregnant but now I am with Kellin my new boyfriend and he keeps me out of trouble, I have quit smoking, and the last time I had a drink was my birthday and I didn't even drink a lot" I said "Okay I understand and I want to meet this boy I am sending off Braxton to" she said "Okay well I will call you when I figure out the plans and tell him I am pregnant, love you" I said "Love you too" she said and I hit the end button then we pulled into the apartment complex "Well hope it goes good, call or text me when you tell him" Taylor said "Kay bye bae and thanks for everything" I said "Anytime bye" she said I got out of the car and up the stairs and inside the apartment and seen Kellin in his underwear eating cereal and watching cartoons "I swear it's like having a child" I said playfully he laughed and sat the cereal to the side and ran up to me and hugged me and spun me around and kissed me "You never texted me" he told me as he put me down "Because I had to call my grandma" I said and he sat down and pulled me to sit beside me "Is it serious? Or some stomach bug?" he asked "It's a type of stomach bug" I said "What is it?" he asked "well first I just want to tell you something about my past that only my grandma and Taylor knows" I said he looked curious "Well I have a kid" I said "really?" he asked "yeah her name is Braxton and I had her when I was sixteen years old, and it's Jakes baby" I said "Well that sucks" he said "And he doesn't even know about her" I said "how does he not know about his own baby?" he asked "Well when i fount out I broke up with him and then I had the baby and lost all the weight and I talked to him saying I missed him and we got back together, I never wanted him to know" I said "well where is she now?" he asked "well when I had her I knew I wasn't a good person and I was giving her up for adoption but my grandma didn't want that and she took her in and I lived out my life and I never was allowed to help with her, and she's about to be five and I feel real bad for not being there for her" I said "Well that really sucks but I would love to meet her, and Copeland would  like a little company" he said if only he knew "Okay now tell me everything the doctor said about this stomach bug" he said "Well there is something in my stomach, and they gave me pictures because I told them you'd be concerned unless you had a picture" I said "Okay let me see" he said and I got in my purse and pulled out a photo and showed him "I don't see anything that looks bad" he said then I grabbed the picture and pointed to the little spot on the picture "What is that?" he asked slowly almost if he knew himself but he wasn't sure "Kellin... that's a baby" then it was silent "That's our baby" I said he got up "That can't be our baby" he said I got up "I am two weeks pregnant Kellin, that's when we first had sex at my birthday party" then he started pacing and holding his head "This can't be happening, not right now" he said "What do you mean?" i asked in a annoyed tone "I am still trying to get over my ex and taking care of Copeland I mean I wouldn't of mind of having Braxton but our own baby" he said "Well I thought you different Kellin" I said "What does that mean?" he asked "I thought you would have been a little happy not pacing around acting like the world is going to end" I said "Well when you get told you're having a baby that you haven't planned for and I have talked to you about" he said "You think I wanted to be pregnant? You're the one that couldn't stay away from me" I said and then he pulled me off the couch and it kind of hurt "Watch it" I said 'You are irresistable I couldn't stop myself" he said 'Well you shouldn't be upset wondering why this happend, If you never wanted a baby you should of just wore a condom, but since you don't want me our the baby in your life just leave me you wouldn't be the first and you won't be the last" I said sitting down "Mackenzie" he said coming towards me "LEAVE!" I scream he sighed and looked upset and he opened the door and walked out and before he shut the door he said "You promised me you wouldn't leave" a tear escaped my face as he slammed the door I called Taylor telling her everything then I packed some bags and my makeup and everything I need for a long time and i dial up my grandmas number "Hello?" he answered I could hear a little girl in the background laughing and I smiled "Hey grandma it's me I am coming home" i said "Okay sweetie call me when you land" she said "okay" i said I hung up the phone and walked downstairs into my car and down to the office of my apartment buildings and gave them four months of rent and began driving and I reached the airport I sighed before getting on the plane and fount my seat and watched as we took flight up into the air

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