Kaden reached passed him to grab the other spoon from the poolside, causing his arm to brush against Farren's, sending a jolt of electricity through him.

He felt his heart rate speed up even more at their close proximity and decided now was the time to move, before things could get any weirder for either of them.

He handed the tub to Kaden and ducked his head under water, swimming to the other end of the pool. He stayed under water until his lungs started to feel uncomfortable.

When he resurfaced he found Kaden looking at him with a smirk, the tub of ice cream in his hand. "What do we have here, Milton the Mermaid?"

He shot Kaden a smirk of his own. "But of course. They call me the sea lion."

"And who exactly are 'they,' may I ask?"

"Oh you know," joked Farren, "my fans."

"Your fans?"


"So that's basically Jenny and Grace," Kaden teased with a smirk.

He just rolled his eyes in response. "Fuck you Rivers."

And to nobody's shock, Kaden's face lit up with his usual smirk and he shot him a wink. "Is that what you learned from your little movie. What was it called again.. Boys?"

Farren groaned, shoving his face into his hands. Was Kaden ever going to just drop it. "Are you ever going to let that go?" He asked, swimming back over to where Kaden was standing in the water, leaning against the wall of the pool.

"Oh Farry dear, surely you know me better than that. Of course I'm never going to let it go."

Farren just huffed in response as he reached Kaden's side of the pool. He reached across, grabbed a couple of chips from the bag of Doritos and started munching his way through them. He felt eyes burning holes on the side of his face and he looked over to see Kaden staring at him. His head was tilted to the side and he was looking at him almost.. curiously.

His intense look made Farren feel uncomfortable and he fought with all his might to hold back the blush that was threatening to make its way onto his face.

"What?" He mumbled uncomfortably, squirming under Kaden's stare.

Kaden leaned in closer to him, placing the tub of ice cream down on the poolside. Farren could feel Kaden's breath on his face, once again in the same position he found himself in earlier. Kaden was close now, so close that Farren could see all his eyelashes, the dark blue specks in his otherwise crystal blue eyes, the curve of his cheekbone, the small scattering of freckles on the bridge of his nose against his tan skin.

And his lips. His soft looking, full lips, practically begging Farren to kiss them. He felt his breath hitch in his throat. What was Kaden doing. He stayed deadly still, knowing that even the slightest movement could set off a thunderstorm.

However Kaden kept leaning in, agonisingly slowly, swerving slightly to Farren's right until his face passed Farren's own completely. He reached behind Farren and grabbed the packet of Doritos, before pulling back quickly.

He gave Farren an innocent smile. "You okay there Milton, look like you've seen a ghost."

Farren pulled himself out of his reverie, letting out a breath he didn't realise he was holding. "Sorry just zoned out," he said, faking a calm air. But inside he was anything but calm. What the fuck had just happened. Had Kaden done that on purpose, the slow leaning in, the quietness.

Surely he hadn't. Surely Farren had just imagined the whole thing. But for a moment he really thought that Kaden was going to kiss him.

And the scariest part was that for a split moment, he wished Kaden had.

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