Special 2 | Second Memoir

Start from the beginning

"And would you mind if I asked you to dance with me, my dear Delilah?"

Chuckling to herself, [Name]'s eyesight lowered to the floor beneath her. To think she would remember that joke at a time like this. It was ridiculous to feel this type of way, especially when it was something that he inquired out of humor. She initially brought all of this loneliness onto herself. Her patience was wearing thin as she quietly muttered, "Of course I'd dance with you."

The idea of ignoring her troubled desire wasn't so easy, no matter how much she told herself that it wasn't worth her time. Even if that teenage boy irritated her to a major extent, she could never bring herself to actually loathe him for implanting such longing feelings inside her. The loneliness that coated her existence quickly fell apart and was replaced with belittling amusement. She knew damn well that he would've wanted to experience her vulnerability, and she wasn't going to give him that satisfaction even if he wasn't present.

The sudden cry of a child wasn't great and therefore, made her previous thoughts vanish within that second. [Name] watched the little boy cry in the middle of the dancing crowd, obviously unattended by his guardians. In an instant, her heels clacked against the floor as she made her way toward the crying child. She tried to slip her way through the people almost bumping into her, though receiving some dirty glances in the end. When she got closer to the boy, she slightly crouched down and spread out her arms to indicate that he would be safe in her arms.

The little boy willingly wrapped his short arms around her neck as she lifted him up from the floor. With lips pursued, the teen watched him bury his head onto her shoulder. With her hand gently patting his back, she rushed to an area of the room where it wasn't crowded. Indeed, she left the bar to attend the child that was clearly the responsibility of his guardians. It wasn't her business to pick up a child, especially when she was a stranger. Though, she wasn't breaking any of the rules. Technically, her task was to take care the customers for the night and that was exactly what she was doing.

"You're safe, okay?" She repeatedly told before his whimpers diminished. The moment he was brave enough to lift his face off of her shoulder, he was greeted with a heartwarming smile. His cheeks were tinted red as his glossy eyes examined the features of her face. The child quietly thanked the teenage girl for rescuing him, but he didn't want to leave her side after what just happened to him. It was funny how a simple anniversary could cause a simple pub to become a nightclub.

"Hey, would you like to dance with me?" [Name] questioned to take his mind off of his previous situation. He seemed to favor the idea, nodding his head in childlike excitement. Widely smiling at the sight, she set him down and bent her knees to reach his petite height. She held his hands as delicately as she could and swung his arms with the slow beat of the music, even twirling him from time to time. The night had turned perfect for her with her worries thrown out of her mind. At least, that's what she believed for a fracture of the time.

It was a dark, moonless night with street lamps illuminating the city. However, the sole illumination for strangers on the sidewalks was the brightly lit pub. A tall, broad, and lean man with reddish brown hair happened to be passing by the building alongside a teenage boy. With the large window separating the pair from the crowd inside, the man narrowed his azure-colored eyes at a teenage girl seemingly dancing with a child. He stopped in his tracks to observe them as he was reminded of his adopted children that he cared for.

"I see you've taken interest of the place, Odasaku." There was a smug smirk that crossed the teenager's features. Dazai's gaze casted over at the beautiful girl on the other side of the window. Though their distance from one another was far, he immediately sensed that she appeared off from usual. Whether she felt like she was being watched or not was another story.

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