Chapter 25

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I woke up to three loud knocks on my bedroom door. It took me a while to orient myself, but when I did, I realized that it was 6 am, I was in my New York apartment, and Karlie's bare body was tangled up in bed beside mine. There were more knocks on the door.

"Shit. Karlie get your clothes on." I whispered, shaking Karlie awake and stepping off the bed to search for my clothes.

"What?" Karlie asked, still half asleep. Another knock at the bedroom door.

"Hold on Caroline." I called, fumbling with my t-shirt. When Karlie finally understood what was going on she jolted out of bed too in frantic search of her clothes. When we were both dressed Karlie hopped back under the covers and I went to answer the door while trying my best to push down my disheveled hair.

But when I opened the door it wasn't Caroline at all, it was my red-haired publicist, Tree.

"I need to talk to you." She said immediately in a solemn tone. If my confusion showed on my face she didn't react to it, she just looked past me at Karlie who was laying in my bed watching the scene unfold at the door.

"Both of you." She added, nodding her head in Karlie's direction. Karlie, who was now red in the face, climbed out of bed once again and joined us at the door. I stayed put, needing answers.

"How did you even get in the apartment?" I asked Tree, my eyebrows knitted together.

"You gave me a key, remember?" She said quietly, almost as if she were trying to tiptoe around my emotions, which confused me even more.

"I gave you a key for emergencies." I stated before a silence engulfed the room. Tree gave me a look as if to say that this was an emergency.

"Come down to the kitchen. I brought you guys coffee." Tree said softly, turning on her heel before I could say anything more.

"Whats going on?" Karlie asked, voicing my thoughts as we followed Tree down the stairs.

"I take it you guys haven't been online yet today or checked your phones?" Tree questioned nervously as we entered my kitchen and she handed us each a cup of coffee.

"No, you just woke us up." I replied, getting more and more angry that she wasn't telling us what was going on. All Tree did was pull out her phone and for a split second I thought I saw a tear in her eye.

"These are all over the internet." Tree said gravely, handing me her phone so Karlie and I could scroll through a bunch of pictures.

I gasped upon seeing the first picture and I felt my stomach plunge, but I couldn't from any words. I heard Karlie begin to sob, but I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything.

I was staring at a high quality picture of Karlie and I making out on the balcony last night. There was no denying that it was us. The picture was crisp and our faces were lit up from the moon and the city lights.

"There are more." Tree said, and when I looked up at her the tear I thought I saw in her eye was making its way down her cheek.

All I could think was that I'd been outed.


Shouting from downstairs woke me up that morning. I had never heard Taylor and Karlie fight before and I was confused as to why they would choose 6:30 in the morning to get into a screaming match. But the more I woke up, the better I could hear them, and it sounded like they weren't arguing, but rather agreeing with each other.

"What are we supposed to do?." Taylor cried so loud that I heard the cats bound up the stairs. I heard Karlie shout back similar sentiments of apparently not knowing what to do. Then there was a third voice, one that sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place.

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