Chapter 9

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"Okay Kelsey, I'm going to have to call you back. We can talk later." I said into my phone to my friend as Taylor was zipping around the apartment trying to find her phone charger to put into her suitcase.

"Taylor it's in your room." I whispered to her away from the phone's receiver. It was a Friday night and Taylor was packing to spend the weekend in New York City with Karlie. For the first time Taylor was letting me stay home all by myself while she was across the country. Andrea was not even told to check up on me every few hours which was a first. Taylor turned around and power walked to her room.

"Caroline?" I heard Kelsey say from the phone.

"I'm still here." I replied.

"Okay I'm just going to say, your house would be the perfect party house. Perfect. And you told me your mom would be out of town so...." She trailed off. I sighed.

"I said no. Besides, do you really think it would be a good idea for a bunch of wasted high school kids to be in Taylor Swift's house with some of our security guys living across the hall?" I asked, half laughing.

"Okay you have a point, but just think about it." Kelsey said.

"I've already thought about it and it's a no." I laughed. "But listen I've got to go, my mom is about to head to the airport. I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah see you later. Bye." She said. When the line went dead I walked into Taylor's room to see that she found her phone charger but now she was frantically searching for her bra.

"I see a bra in your suitcase." I stated, looking into the open suitcase lying on the bed.

"No, I'm looking for my favorite bra. It's black, kind of lacy.." She trailed off as she rummaged through her dresser.

"Your favorite black lacy bra? Why? Are you trying to impress someone?" I joked. Her face turned beet red and I watched her take a gulp and continue looking.

"Oh my God. I was just kidding." I said in disbelief that what I said could be true. "No funny business better be happening while you are over there." I stated firmly.

"Caroline-" Taylor said in a huff, her face still bright red.

"You know what, I don't want to know. Let's just leave it at that. Carry on." I said shaking my head with a small laugh, but still thoroughly disturbed. In a minute she found the bra and was able to shove it in her suitcase and zip the thing up with quite a bit of difficulty.

"Okay, I think I'm all ready." Taylor sighed, surveying her bags. I helped her carry them out into the hallway of the apartment building where two of the security guys that stay in the apartment across the hall were waiting. We put the bags down and Taylor turned to me.

"I love you Care, be safe." Taylor started. "If you need anything just call me or call my mom. She could get here in a few minutes if you ever needed her."

"Taylor you're only going to be gone for two days, I think I'll be alright." I smiled, knowing that she would be a wreck when I left for college if she was like this now.

"I know, but still. Oh and security is across the hall too." She added with a grin.

"I'll see you on Sunday." Taylor said, leaning in for a hug.

"See you on Sunday." I repeated, holding tight to her small frame.

"Bye Care, I love you." She said, pulling away.

"Love you. Bye." I said. Then I watched her and her security walk out and I smiled to myself knowing that I have the whole weekend to myself.

It isn't like I was planning to do anything bad. Even though my friend Kelsey highly encouraged that I partake in "hoodrat activities", as she called them. For my Friday night tonight I was fully planning on vegging out on the couch with a movie and a bowl of ice cream. And then after that maybe I'd blast music and dance around the entire house like no one was watching, because no one was.

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