Chapter 14

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"I'll talk to you tonight?" I asked Karlie. My arms were around her neck and we were standing in the entry way to my parents house.

"I'll talk to you tonight." She confirmed, pecking me on the lips one more time.

"Happy Thanksgiving, babe." I said. "Have fun with your family."

The two of us said our goodbyes and then Karlie was off to the airport. It was Thanksgiving day and she had eaten lunch with my family at my parents house and now she was off to spend the afternoon in St. Louis with her family. I loved having someone to bring home to my family, and she was going to be able to do the same with me on Christmas, it was already planned.

After I watched her drive off safely I went back into my parents living room to meet up with the rest of my family. I sat down on the couch next to Caroline, who looked bored while my dad and brother watched a football game on TV.

Soon, Caroline excused herself to the bathroom and my mom took the opportunity to hound me with questions.

"You and Karlie seem happy. Caroline likes her?" My mom asked, even thought I've already told her the answer.

"We are happy. And she does, Karlie and Caroline are really close." I said, adjusting my sleeves for something to do.

"Does that ever worry you?" My mom asked.

"Why would that worry me?" I asked getting a little irritated.

"I don't know, Caroline seems so attached to Karlie. If something were to happen and it didn't work out she would get hurt too." She said.

"Mom, it's going to work out, I know it is. And Caroline is a big girl, she can handle herself." I said firmly, offended that she would suggest it may not work out.

"So you guys are pretty serious?" My mom pressed on.

"I don't know what you would consider pretty serious." I said, now audibly annoyed. "Why are you asking?"

"Well you just said you were sure it was going to work out, so that means it's pretty serious?" My mom explained.

"Yeah, I guess so. We're pretty serious." I said. Just then, Caroline wandered back into the room, saving me from any more questions. I put my arm around Caroline's shoulder as she sank into the couch. My mother turned away with a grin and began watching the game after having gotten information out of me.

"I've never been more full in my entire life." Caroline said quietly to me, clutching her stomach.

"Well you better get hungry soon because we haven't had dessert yet." I commented back before poking her stomach. She squirmed before settling back in next to me.

This Thanksgiving I was more thankful than I'd ever been. I had a beautiful, smart, funny daughter to share the day with and a loving girlfriend who dropped everything to spend the morning with me.

Even after Caroline and I had gotten home that night my own words were still ringing in my ears. It's going to work out. We're pretty serious. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about Karlie and I's future before, but it was always a little uncertain. We hadn't been dating that long after all. But I'd loved her for a long time, even if our relationship had to be put on the back burner.

It's going to work out. The words felt right in my mouth. They felt real. If Karlie and I could put a relationship on hold for three years while I raised Caroline then we could get through anything. If we could run around hiding our relationship all while loving each other as much as we do then we could get through anything.

We're pretty serious. I couldn't imagine dating Karlie and not being all in. Since the moment we became official I'd been wondering why we put this off for so many years. We fit together so well. Karlie loves Caroline as her own and that makes me love her all the more. Karlie is the only one I can imagine waking up beside for the rest of my life, raising a family with, growing old with.

I was getting choked up by my own thoughts. I was just so thankful. I giggled to myself thinking about how sappy it was that I was getting emotional over all my blessings on Thanksgiving.

My thoughts were interrupted when Caroline opened the door to my bedroom holding her phone. She looked surprised to see me sitting there on my bed like I was.

"What are you doing?" Caroline asked, scrunching up her face as she walked towards me.

"Sitting in my room is there a problem with that?" I joked as I moved over on my bed to make room for her. I heard noises coming from her phone.

"Karlie tried to call you but you didn't answer." Caroline said as she sat down on my bed while she gave me her phone. I looked at her phone screen to see Karlie's face on FaceTime. I realized I must have left my phone on silent and missed her call while I was thinking about all this.

"Hey you." I said, making her turn her attention back to her phone screen. Her green eyes lit up when she saw me.

"Oh hey! Nice of you to pick up." Karlie said sarcastically with a smile stretching from ear to ear.

"Sorry." I blushed, so happy to be seeing her face.

"How was Kloss family Thanksgiving?" I asked.

"It was great but now I have a food baby." Karlie laughed.

"But Care I want you to keep telling me your story." Karlie said as Caroline came into her view. I realized that the two of them had been chatting before I was handed the phone.

Caroline began telling a story about a failed Thanksgiving turkey attempt from her childhood and soon the room was filled with laughter. In that moment my heart was so full. I had an amazing little family and I couldn't ask for anything more.


A happy update for everyone. Be sure to comment!

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