Chapter 8

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"And over here is the John C. Hodges Library." Our tour guide said in a cheerful voice as a group of high school students and parents followed her.

It was October 1st and we were visiting the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. It was slightly uncomfortable experience because as we toured campus Taylor kept getting stopped and asked for selfies and autographs. We also had a security guard, Ian, with us, which made us stand out even more.

I saw Taylor whisper something in the security guard's ear out of the corner of my eye. At the same time a freckle faced boy walking in front of us turned his head and stared at the two of them before glancing at me. I gave him a tight lipped smile that didn't reach my eyes and he quickly whipped his head back around and started paying attention to the tour guide.

The tour guide then stopped the group of us near the middle of the campus so she could talk. I stood by Taylor, trying to have the college visit experience without letting stares and shrieks from students get in the way.

"Okay so do you all know what you're planning on going into or majoring in?" Our tour guide asked us. Everyone had to go around in a circle saying what they wanted to do and eventually were were all split up with separate tour guides to see our own programs and buildings.

I was the only one who wanted to go into nursing, so Taylor, the security guard, and I were lead towards the nursing buildings the rest of the group by a peppy blonde haired tour guide.

Two hours later the three of us were back in our car and the security guard was driving us back towards Nashville. My brain was full of information. This fall 28,052 students enrolled at UTK. The student to professor ratio is 17 to 1. The university sits on 600 acres of land. I didn't know what to think. What does any of it mean? How does it compare? I didn't want to think about it because it was all too overwhelming.

"So." Taylor said as we drove passed the Knoxville city limits sign.

"So." I sighed back. We sat in silence for a while. Both of us were too worn out to say much. Taylor had already expressed to me the level of stress she was under because I was going to be leaving for college. We were both in the same boat there.

I stared out the window lost in thought for the remainder of the drive back to Nashville.

"We're going to have to make a stop at the airport." The security guard said as we entered the outskirts of Nashville.

"What? Why?" Taylor asked genuinely curious.

"Ummm. I was told it was a secret and not to tell you." The security guard answered. I smirked from my seat, beginning to catch on.

"What's going on? Did you have something to do with this?" Taylor asked while turning towards me.

"No, I don't know what's going on." I said, which was partly a lie. I truly didn't have anything to do with it, but I think I knew what was going on.

I smiled while the car pulled up onto the tarmac at the airport. Immediately after we parked a tall blonde haired girl stepped out of a black SUV resembling ours and headed towards us.

Taylor didn't notice her at first, she was still running her mouth, trying to figure out what we were doing here.

"Taylor look." I said, pointing towards the woman. Taylor shut up, turned her head,  and immediately squealed.

"Karlie!" She shouted just before Karlie opened the backseat door of our SUV to reveal a giddy Taylor. Karlie jumped into the backseat beside Taylor and as soon as the door was safely shut they went in for a kiss. I quickly looked away but before I knew it Karlie was reached across Taylor to hug me.

"What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to come until tomorrow!" Taylor exclaimed. Before Karlie could answer Taylor continued.

"I should have known, this isn't the first time you and Ian have done this to me." Taylor said looking at Karlie and the security guard Ian accusingly. Karlie laughed and buckled her seat belt as Ian drove us towards the apartment.

"So how was the college visit?" Karlie asked. Taylor and I spent the drive home recounting the visit and all the details.

By the time we got home I was exhausted. The pointless facts and tidbits about UTK were still swirling around in my mind. The memories of camera flashes and 'can I get a picture' were also still fresh. I went upstairs to my bedroom and laid down for a nap while Karlie and Taylor caught up with each other and cooked dinner in the kitchen.


By the time Caroline woke up dinner was past ready. Karlie and I had already eaten and had saved a little in the refrigerator for Caroline. Caroline trudged down the stairs with her hair a mess and laptop in hand.

"We saved you some food." I said from the couch where Karlie and I were sitting watching HGTV. She didn't respond, instead, to my surprise, she plopped down right next to Karlie on the couch.

"Will you help me?" She asked Karlie. Caroline opened the laptop to reveal a college applications to both the University of Tennessee and Vanderbilt up on the screen.

"Yeah sure." Karlie said with a smile. I guess I understood. Karlie was in college and I never went. But that doesn't mean I couldn't have helped her.

I looked on as Karlie read I over the applications and essays. Caroline watched Karlie's expression intently. Karlie had a few suggestions of things Caroline could change and when she was sure Caroline wasn't watching she turned to me with a smirk that said 'she likes me'.

A gave her smile and forgot all about my bitterness. Karlie always did have a weird thing about Caroline liking her. But I didn't think she had to worry much, Caroline loved her.

When Karlie turned back to help again I took the opportunity to grab my phone and snap a quick candid photo of the two loves of my life. In that moment I realized just how incredibly happy I was with my life.


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