"Not anymore. How about you go sit over there with the new girl?" It seemed more like a command than a question. Chloe pointed at the front row where a girl with a brown hair and glasses sat. She was tapping furiously on her phone.

Before Marinette could argue more Chloe spoke again. But this time she seemed almost pleading. As if she was trying to be nice.

"Look. Adrien's arriving today and since that's going to be his seat," Chloe pointed at the desk in front of Marinette, "this is going to be my seat." She continued, pointing at Marinette's desk.

"Get it?" She crossed her arms again, raising her eyebrow.

Marinette furrowed her eyebrows.
"Who's...Adrien?" She asked.

Chloe began laughing, her soft side disappearing instantly. Sabrina, who knows when the girl got there, joined in with Chloe, doubling over with giggles.

"Can you believe this Sabrina?" Chloe cackled.

"What rock have you been living under?" Chloe sneered at Marinette.

Marinette looked down annoyed and sad. She hated being made fun of.

"He's only a famous model." Sabrina rolled her eyes.

"And I am his best friend. He adores me. Go on, move!" Chloe yelled at Marinette and pointed again at the seat in the front row. Though now the new girl was absent from the seat and standing across from Chloe.

"Hey! Who elected you Queen of Seats?" She crossed her arms and glared at Chloe. She stood with a challenging stance.

"Oh, Look Sabrina! We've got a little do-gooder in our class this year. What are you gonna do, super noobie? Shoot beams at me with your glasses?" Chloe pointed at the girl's glasses and laughed.

"Wouldn't you like to know." The new girl scowled before reaching out to Marinette and dragging her to the seat in the front row.

On the way Marinette tripped and stacked it, causing the class to erupt into a fit of laughs.

Marinette felt like sobbing. She yearned for one of Chat Noir's hugs.

"Thank you. I wish I could handle Chloe the way you do." Marinette told the new girl once she sat down in her seat. Marinette looked down at her hands ashamed.

"No problem gurl! I'm Alya." She held out her hand.

"Marinette." Marinette shook her hand.

"I have a feeling this is a beginning of a beautiful friendship!" Alya winked and grinned.

Marinette nodded happily. A friend. She hadn't had one for years, besides Chat of course.

"I agree." Marinette smiled.

Their teacher, Miss Bustier, walked in. She introduced herself to the new students and begun the class.

Chloe stared at the empty seat in front of her sadly.

Where was her best friend, Adrien? He should be here by now.


Marinette went home disappointed in not finding Chat Noir. She at least spotted 15  guys with blonde messy hair and 4 of those with emerald eyes.

Any of them could be her soulmate.

She rushed around helping her parents in the bakery, hands covered in flour, hair a mess.

"Mari, dear! Could you please run to the store and buy some eggs?" Her mother Sabine called out from somewhere in the store.

Marinette sighed and quickly dusted off her hands.

"Sure!" She quickly grabbed a beanie to cover her messy hair and a twenty dollar bill and ran out the store.

"Be quick!" Her father yelled at her.

Marinette sprinted to the grocery store in record time, buying a dozen eggs in 4 minutes before dashing back home.


Chat Noir attacked the dummy with his fencing sword, taking out all of his anger on it.

He was sweating, body exhausted yet pumped with adrenaline.

He despised his father so much. He didn't allow Chat Noir to go to school, make friends and have a free life.

How he had managed to run away and escape to his training room for fencing he had no idea.

He jabbed and slashed at the dummy until he figured he should get home before his father discovered his absence.

He leisurely walked over to the locker rooms and pulled out his phone to check the time.

His phone flashed with 10 missed called and spam texts from his dad's assistant, Nathalie.

Oh no.

It was 5:38 pm. He had left at 4:10 pm.

He was in deep trouble.

Not even bothering to change from his white fencing suit, he grabbed his bag and sprinted out the door and on his way home.

His feet slapped against the pavement as he tried to shove his fencing sword in his bag.

He ran hard into someone.

"Ouch!" She squeaked.

The two fifthteen-year-olds fell back onto the sidewalk from the impact. Marinette's eggs flying and splattering everywhere, staining Adrien's ex-white fencing gear.

"I'm so, so sorry. I'm very clumsy. So so clumsy."


Capricious Dreams (Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now