Lies. It was all lies. He of course could remember Sieger and Marc, and of course he loved the movie.

Kaden just shot him a look that said he clearly didn't believe him. "Okay Milton, whatever you say," he snorted, not bothering to hide the enjoyment he got out of Farren's embarrassment.

Right on cue the doorbell rang, saving him from further humiliation. Never in his life had he been more relieved to hear the shrill screech of the the doorbell. He left the room hastily, reaching the door in seconds and opened it to find the pizza guy, who looked very familiar, waiting on the porch.

"Hey man, how much do I owe you?" Farren asked with a smile, trying to place the face of the boy who stood before him.

"Twenty-seven dollars.. Farren is it?"

He nodded in reply, realisation dawning on him. "Yeah and your Blaine right? We have chemistry together."

Blaine smiled back at him. "Yeah that's me."

He took the pizzas and fries from Blaine's arms, placing them down on the hall table before pulling out his wallet. But before he could pay, Kaden came up behind him.

"I got this," Kaden said with a smirk as he pulled out his own wallet, ignoring Farren's protests.

"Twenty seven did I hear you say?" He asked and Blaine nodded with a smile

Kaden pulled out two twenties and handed them to Blaine. "Keep the change man," he said with a smile, and Blaine thanked him gratefully.

Kaden closed the door again and made his way back to the den, Farren close on his heels.

"Thanks man but you didn't have to pay," he began, "also that was a big tip, I can pay half if you want."

Kaden just snorted at him. "Don't worry about it man, it's not like my family's short in money."

He could here the bitterness in Kaden's voice but decided not to question it. Now was a time for pizza, beer and movies. Three of his favourite things for the perfect Friday night in.


Kaden sat back against the couch, his eyes glued to the television and a beer in hand. After Farren had found out that Kaden had not seen what he called 'the prime example of cinematic masterpiece,' The Shawshank Redemption, he had put it on on his Netflix account faster than Kaden could say boo.

Farren had been a little too shocked that he had never seen it, claiming that it was almost his duty as a human being to watch it. Which seemed a tad dramatic to Kaden but he gave in anyway, not really caring what they watched.

By the time the end credits rolled, he begrudgingly had to admit to Farren that it was a great movie, causing a smug smile to spread across the other boy's features.

"What did I tell you," Farren smirked, "still, I'm shocked that you've gone all your life without seeing it."

He rolled his eyes in reply. "I know man, you've mentioned that at least ten times in the last two hours."

Farren just rolled his eyes in response, before continuing. "So what do you want to do now? We can watch another one if you want or if you have anything else in mind..?"

Kaden thought about it for a moment. To be honest he didn't really care what they did.

"I don't really mind what we do. As long as we don't watch one of those gay movies you seem to be so fond of" he said with a smirk.

Farren groaned, putting his face in his hands. "Stop bro, it was one movie. One movie!"

Kaden just snickered in response. God Farren was cute when he was embarrassed. There was no denying that.

"And what did you learn from said movie," he pressed on, "perhaps you finally saw what we all see. That darling Farren Milton perhaps isn't as straight as he claims to be," he smirked, watching Farren turn an even darker shade of red, if that was at all possible.

"Fuck off bro. We all know that if one of us in here is gay, it's definitely you." Farren replied with annoyance.

"Oh yeah?" Kaden challenged with a smirk, subconsciously leaning closer to Farren.

From this close, he could see all the light freckles that dusted the bridge of Farren's nose, and for a second he froze there. He scanned Farren's face with his gaze, however refused to meet his eyes. He felt as though he could stay in this position for all of eternity and be content.

"Oh yeah." Farren responded, he too leaning in until Kaden could feel Farren's hot breath on his face, bringing him back down to earth.

What was going on?

"Whatever man, I've got an idea," he said, pulling back slightly from Farren, much as he didn't want to.

Farren too seemed to realise their close proximity and also pulled back, clearing his throat. "And what is that exactly?" He asked, trying to dispel the awkwardness of the situation.

"Well, I've been here almost five days and I still haven't been in your pool," said Kaden, pushing the incident from moments ago out of his mind.

"Sounds good to me," Farren shrugged. Both the boys were completely sober, after only having had only had two beers each. "Do you have swimming trunks or do you need to borrow mine?"

Kaden just shrugged in reply, plastering a fake serious expression onto his face. "I thought we could just go naked."

When he saw Farren turn bright red and start sputtering he couldn't hold in his laugh. "I'm joking man, calm down," he said with a laugh.

Farren shot him a glare and hit him lightly on the chest. "God your so annoying."

"Thank you Farry darling, it's what I strive to be. Only for you of course." He replied, throwing in a wink for extra effect.

Farren didn't even bother responding before making his way upstairs and leaving Kaden alone with his thoughts in the den.

What was that moment earlier, and why did it make him feel that way. If Kaden was to be completely honest with himself, deep down he had always had a nagging feeling that he wasn't exactly 'straight.' That much was obvious to him, and for a long time had been. But while in the past he had only ever admired boys from a distance, this was different.

It's not that he never chose to act on his feelings before, it's that he never felt the desire to. With the other guys, he had found them hot but that was it. No butterflies. No blushing. No feelings. He had made out with one random guy at a club before, both of them slightly tipsy. And while Kaden could admit it felt really good, it was never enough for him to label himself. In the past, he didn't want to bother himself worrying over this, so he shoved all these feelings to the back of his mind for another day. but for some reason, lately he had felt his other side start to take over him now and again. The other side being the little lock box inside his brain that reminded him that he was definitely not straight.

And Kaden had a strong feeling that that reason was in the form of a brown-haired green-eyed​ smooth talking boy.


Sneaky little reveal thrown in there at the end! You know what to do.. VCF!

Qotc; Favourite TV show(s) of all time?


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