Chapter 5: Chess

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•Emma's POV•

Mother and I had taken Daniel's truck to go buy the paint needed for the house. Packing everything into the truck, we hop in and make the drive back home.

Once we had gotten back, we asked the boys to bring everything in while Mother and I taped up the house and laid out the newspaper.

Everyone was assigned to do a portion of the house. I was supposed to do my own room and help out in the living room. The boy would do their rooms as well as the bathrooms. Dad would do his and Mother's bedroom along with the kitchen.

Hours passed of us just painting over the old plain white walls. But the smell was starting to get to strong for everyone and so they moved outside to take a break. The fumes didn't bother me as much, as I was used to the smell. Ignoring it, I walk into the kitchen and grab a few snacks to bring to everyone outside.

When we finally returned to painting, I had finished the first coat to go on the walls in my room. My plan was to paint all the walls a light cream color and on the accent wall would be two tree silhouettes, one a soft grey and the other white. That wall would be where my bed would rest against. When finished there will be shades of a tiffany blue spread out around the room to add some color.

Some time later Mother had called for us all and had said that we would go out to eat dinner. "I don't want any of you getting sick from inhaling the fumes." Giving me a look, I merely roll my eyes before grabbing a hold of my keys and helmet before leaving.

Dinner was as usual, nothing really special to remember. It wasn't long before we were returning to the house. Told to sleep in the living room, I instead choose to sleep outside underneath the star filled sky.


It took us a total of two days to paint the whole house. With the amount of coats each wall needed, I expected to finish another day later but luckily we didn't. Now all that was left was to go furniture shopping. And that was exactly what we were doing.

Mother had driven us to the first stop and we were looking around in search of something she liked. Around us were many different styles and colors for  a living room. One had caught my eye, and so I went over to examine it closer.

Calling my mother over, I point it out to her, which she merely looks over at it briefly. Before answering me. "It's very nice, Emma. If we don't find anything else, we'll definitely get this one." Mother says, a smile on her face as she ran her fingers over the material.

She didn't end up finding anything better and so she had bought that set which would arrive in a day or so. On the go the next store, we continued to look for everything needed however we didn't manage to find everything in that one day. The following day, we had spent doing the same thing, looking for furniture for the house.

I was literally becoming bored out of my mind by just looking at furniture all day.

Luckily for me, it didn't take all day. However I needed to head out again to go shopping but for a different reason.

With it being my senior year, I needed all the necessities to start my school year off on the right track this time. And so did Sebastian.

I wanted this year to not be like my last. I didn't want to end up like the person I was last year. Back in LA, everyone knew me. I was the girl who came out on the top of the hierarchy in school terms. I wasn't to be messed with. It was the reputation I had gained. One he had helped me build.

I was always a troubled person but I had hidden it before he came along. When I had meet him and we started to talk, he made sure that I showed people the other side of me. The side where I wasn't silent and conserved. He made sure everyone knew what I was capable of. He showed them the side of me I wasn't proud of.

Behind the Innocent SmileOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara