Chapter 10: Something About You

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Another week had passed, and I had settled into my new home in Jersey. I hadn't seen much of Frank, but he was busy taking care of his heavily pregnant wife. Every time I saw her waddling down the driveway or through her window, I got a weird, nervous feeling in my stomach. It had been just over a month since I had slept with Gerard, and I was starting to notice a couple of things. Each morning, I woke up feeling incredibly nauseous. I had started crying for no fucking reason on three occasions without being able to explain why, and...the most obvious one, my period was late by several weeks. This was pretty unusual for me and the evidence was starting to pile up and I knew I had to do something about it.

I decided to suck it up and drive to the store to buy a... test. I couldn't even say the p-word in my head without freaking out completely. There was a chance that I was...pregnant...with Gerard...who has another girlfriend who he cheated on with me. Oh my fucking shitting God. This was not a good situation for me to be in. I ran to my car and got inside, praying that Frank didn't see me and come out of his house for a chat.

I arrived at the store and got out of the car, my hands shaking so much that my car keys were making a loud and irritating jingling sound as I headed inside the store. I walked around desperately looking for the tests and finally found them. I picked up about four of them because I decided that I should take all of them to make sure that the results were definite. As I turned to find the cashier I bumped into someone and accidentally dropped the tests all over the floor. I apologised frantically and bent down to pick up the tests, when I realised that I recognized the shoes of the person who I had bumped into. Oh shit.


I stood up and my heart sank. Panic was trying to take over my mind but I tried to remain calm and act as if nothing unusual was happening. 

"Hey...Frank," I said. He looked at the tests in my hand and then back up at me, then he looked back down at the tests and back up at me again. He did this at least four or five times before he managed to say any words.

"O-Oh my God," he said, his jaw dropping. "Nooooooooo. No no no no no, no. GERARD?!"

"Shhhh!!!" I hissed. "Frankie I'm not sure, I'm just...checking."

"We need to talk!" he hissed back. "Take that damn test and then text me and I am coming over to your place so we can sort this!"

I nodded in agreement before rushing out of the store and getting back into my car. I drove off and just as I was pulling into my driveway I realised that I hadn't paid for the tests. Oops. I rushed inside and into my bathroom, before carefully followed the instructions for each test. I decided to take all four tests at once to save time, and after using them I turned each one upside down whilst I waited the two minutes for them to reveal my fate. Just as I had finished with the last one, my phone began to ring.

"Hello?" I said, trying to steady my voice. 

"Izzy?" came the pleasant, soothing and familiar voice of Gerard. "Izzy how are you?"

"Ah shit," I said without thinking. "Did Frankie speak to you?"

"Yeah!" he said, a response that made my heart sink. However, he sounded weirdly upbeat. "You guys are neighbours now! Small world, huh?"

Oh thank God, he doesn't know about the pregnancy tests. I had half-expected Frankie to have called Gerard from the store in a fit of excitement and horror, but luckily he hadn't done that. My heart beat returned to a regular pace until I remembered that there were four pregnancy tests on my bathroom sink that could potentially be positive, and that I was on the phone to the love of my life who I hadn't seen in a month since we had slept together without his girlfriend knowing.

"Listen Isabel," he said, his voice turning more serious. "I know I haven't been in touch since...that night, and I'm sorry about that. I don't want you to think that I used you or anything. To be honest with you, I haven't spoken to Lindsey yet and I'm not sure if I'm going to do it. Well, I mean I am going to do it. She's leaving for a European tour with MSI in two days so I was kinda gonna do the cowardly thing and break it off with her tonight, before she goes."

"Were you planning on telling her why?" I asked.

"No," he said, with a hint of guilt in his voice. "I should, shouldn't I. I will, I'll do it. I can't be a cheater and a coward." He sounded genuine but I could tell that he was afraid to tell her. Cheating on a girlfriend was definitely out of character for Gerard, and I could imagine that he was struggling with the consequences of his actions. However, I didn't want him to break up with her and then me start dating him, only for Lindsey to catch on to the truth and end up hating me.

"Listen, G, there's something I gotta tell you," I said as I glanced over at the pregnancy tests. 

"I gotta go," he said. "I'll see Lindsey tonight and then, well can I come over?"

"Yeah, sure," I nodded. "I'll see you later tonight."

"Izzy," he said quickly before I had ended the call. "I just want you to know that, whatever happens or has happened between're the one. You've always been the one and you always will be. I just need you to know that... there's something about you.  I'm so madly in l...Well, I don't want to say this on the phone, so I'll say it to you tonight."

"I am too," I said softly in response, knowing the words that he wanted to say and wanting to say them back to him so badly that it hurt a little bit. I hung up the phone and noticed that our call had gone on for six minutes. This meant that the tests were ready. I took a deep breath and turned them over one by one. My thought process was exactly as follows as I turned over each one.

Oh shit.

Oh shit.

Oh shit.

Oh fucking shit.

Yep. I was pregnant.

The Fourth Fall (Sequel to Boy In My Class) Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now