Chapter 6: Gone By Morning

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sorry for taking SO long to update! I'm super super busy, and this chapter isn't too long but I've got an EXCITTING TWIST COMING UP SOON so get excited xo :)


A bright light swept over me, stunning me and waking me up from my deep sleep. I opened my eyes and was instantly blinded by the sunlight seeping in through the window, covering me in daylight and forcing me to wake up properly. I sat upright in bed and rubbed my eyes, before I remembered what had happened last night. I wondered briefly whether or not I had dreamt it, and quickly jumped out of bed and practically ran out of my bedroom and into the living area to see if Gerard was there. He wasn't there. Wait a minute, didn't he say that he would be gone by morning?

But it's like 8am, surely he wouldn't leave so early?

I switched on the coffee machine and looked around my tiny apartment, confused about what parts of my life were a dream and what parts had actually happened. Then, something caught my eye. I walked over to the sofa and sat down, staring intently at the object. On the sofa lay a gold ring underneath a neatly folded piece of paper. I picked up the ring and instanly recognized it as Gerard's wedding ring. I held it tightly for a few moments, trying not to cry, before I picked up the piece of paper and unfolded it gently. It was a note from Gerard.

I've kept this in my pocket for four years. I noticed that you're still wearing yours. I don't want you to think that I spoke empty words last night, so I want you to give this back to me on January 8th. It's the most important material object in my life, so I hope you can make it.

G xoxo

Underneath the messy words was a drawing- a comic-style sketch of a lily flower- my favourite flower, the one Gerard gave me on our first date.

Fucking hell, this MUST be a dream. Despite the fact that I was holding this extremely tangible note, I still couldn't quite believe what was happening. I held it tightly alongside the ring for several moments, before deciding to finally get up. I walked back to my bedroom and pulled out a box from under my bed. I brushed the dust away from the box and lifted up the lid, staring at the contents inside that I hadn't dare look at for at least two years.

I looked over the things in this box; my old dorm key from NYU, my old library card, a Starbucks napkin, a receipt from a bar where I had watch Gerard and Mikey play a show together...the iPod that Gerard had bought me when I spent Christmas with them, and...the comic book I had written for him that same Christmas. I picked it up and smiled to myself. He had accidentally left it in my dorm room and when I had moved back to London, I took it with me due to the fact that we had fought the night before and I wouldn't get to see him. I'd had it ever since.

The Boy In My Class- Gerard Way. By Isabel Spencer

I grinned to myself as I flicked through it briefly, admiring the artwork I had put into it. There were sketches of Gerard performing on stage and sketches of us sat together in Starbucks- and even one of us sat around having dinner with his parents' that I had drawn the night before I gave it to him. It was heartbreaking and wonderful to see it again and remember all of those first moments we had spent together. I missed him so much, it was unbearable.

I placed the comic back into the box and added the note and ring, to ensure I would keep them safe until I would see Gerard and return his ring to him. All of a sudden I heard my phone ringing in the lounge and almost broke my leg by running so quickly to answer it, just in case it was Gerard.


"Hey Izzy, urm... the class is wondering if you're coming in today?" Olivia said down the phone with an awkward laugh.

"What? What time is it? Isn't it Saturday?!" I pshouted.

"It's Friday," she laughed. "Hurry up!"

I literally fell off the couch in a frenzy and ran to my room to threw on some clothes, packed my bag and ran the entire way to work. The panic of missing work made me briefly forget about Gerard but as soon as I made it to NYU it all came crashing down on me like a pile of bricks. 

Gerard had saved me from a guy who was either going to rob me or rape me.

He had given me his wedding ring.

He had asked me to meet him.

Whatever was in store for me on January 8th; I couldn't wait. All I knew in my head at this moment was that I still loved him, and that I wanted my husband back. My best friend, the love of my life, and my husband. Somehow in my heart, even though I didn't want to get my hopes up, I had a feeling that this uncontrollable desire would become a reality very soon.

The Fourth Fall (Sequel to Boy In My Class) Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now