Chapter 4: Fireworks

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I walked through the corridors, my heart pounding in my chest. The walls were tall and intimidating, made from huge bleezebrocks that were painted bright white. The security guard marched forward, a sincere look on his face as he led me to Gerard. I began to freak out thinking about coming face to face with him again without a thick glass window separating us. How would he react? What did he want to say? Were we going to solve things? I tried to clear my mind and not fill myself with false hope as we walked further. Gerard had a long-term girlfriend after all. 

We turned another corner and came to a door that had a piece of paper stuck to it that read 'My Chemical Romance.' The security guard stood beside the door and nodded at me to go through. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, before pushing the door open. It creaked so loudly that I felt myself cringing, hoping that I wouldn't bring too much attention to myself on entering the room. I stepped inside and the door swung shut behind me with a large banging sound. So much for not bringing any attention to myself. I looked around the room to find that it was empty, but I knew for sure that the boys had been in here. I saw Gameboys, a Playstation, cigarette packets and empty coffee cups scattered around the room. Just as I had finished gazing at my surroundings, a door at the opposite end of the room swiftly opened. I looked up and saw him standing there.

He closed the door he had just came through and stood awkwardly in the corner. He slid his hands into his pockets and looked fixedly at the floor. I felt my palms becoming hot and clammy as neither of us spoke. Eventually, after what felt like hours but may in reality have only been a few moments, he let out a large sigh.

"Why did you come here?" he said, looking up at me, his wide hazel eyes staring into mine and making my stomach tighten and my heart skip a beat. He was chewing on gum, his mouth looking slightly lopsided, as it always did.

"I...I just wanted to see that you're doing well," I said with honesty, but not mentioning the fact that I had wanted closure and the more secretive fact that I had actually hoped that we would reunite, and that he would kiss me and hold me and take me away from my miserable and boring life.

"I'm fine," he nodded, walking over to a sofa and sitting down. He beckoned for me to go and sit beside him, so I hestitantly walked over and sat beside him. He took my hand and I felt what I can only describe as fireworks shooting up my arm. "Are you fine?"

I looked into his eyes, a sad expression stuck on my face that I couldn't hide. I felt my eyes watering and tried to hold it back because I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable or think that I was a sad and pathetic loser.

"I'm okay," I said with a trembling voice. "I just-"

"Phew, good, I'm glad!" he said quickly before I had the chance to tell him that I truly, desperately needed him. "To be honest I hadn't thought about you much in the last two or three years, and I wondered briefly about a month ago whether you were doing okay. I hoped that you were, because I'm really happy and I wouldn't want to feel awkward about you, if you were miserable."

"G-Gerard," I said quietly, tryng to accept the fact that he had just told me that I barely crossed his mind when he filled my mind almost every moment of every day. "Are you really happy? I mean really super wonderfully happy?"

"I am," he nodded, with a small smile on his face. "My dream came true Isabel- the band is huge. I've always dreamt of this."

"I'm happy for you," I said, before abruptly standing up to leave. "Well we are both fine so the air is cleared, I should leave."

I turned around and walked at full speed towards the door, allowing a few tears to escape from my eyes before wiping them away swiftly.


The sound of him calling me by my nickname made my heart jump and also hurt at the same time. My mind instantly filled with scenarios that would ensue, such as him telling me that he wasn't actually happy and that he needed me, or him telling me that Lindsey had recently told him that she didn't want children and so he was going to come back to me anyway.

"Yes?" I said, turning around with hopeful expectations.

"Could you write down your address before you leave? I need to send you divorce papers. You didn't seem to fill the ones out that I left at our old house."

All of the fireworks and skipping heartbeats I had felt at the beginning of this encounter had been completely crushed and all I felt at this point was overwhelming despair. I nodded and walked over to him, taking a pen from his hand and looking around for a piece of paper to write my address on. He picked up an empty coffee cup and I reached out to take it from him. I scribbled my address down and quickly walked out, finally being able to let the tears flow freely from my eyes. I found myself running back down the long corridors, the security guard shouting at me to stop as he was supposed to escort me out of the building, perhaps in case I was some kind of crazy fan who was going to go looking for Frank so I could beg him to sign my boobs or something. I found the exit and managed to escape the building, but I didn't slow down until I was a few blocks away and close to home. It was fully dark by now despite it only being about 6pm, due to the fact that it was winter. I walked for a few more moments before stopping at a corner to get my breath back. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to forget the painful experience I had just endured.

"Bad day?"

I opened my eyes and before I could even adjust to the light from the streetlamps I felt a cold metal object hit me around the head. I fell to the floor in agony and tried to shout out, but I couldn't produce any sound due to the shocking pain I was in. I looked up to see a tall man looming over me, but I didn't recognize him. I felt warm blood trickling from my head but before I could do anything I felt him drag me into the alleyway.

"Get away from me," I mumbled, but I felt dizzy and disorientated and could barely speak.

"Girls like you shouldn't walk around neighborhoods like this in the dark," he smirked. "It only leads to trouble."

I began to understand the severity of the situation and tried to squirm out of his grasp but I could feel him trying to rip away my clothes. My entire body froze up completely as I tried to think of a solution whilst also dealing with a potential concussion. At the exact point that I lost hope on getting away from this, I heard a loud thud as somebody's fist came into contact with his face.

"You touch my wife? I'll fucking kill you, you worthless piece of shit."

I looked up to see Gerard standing above me. Even in the darkness of the alleyway, his bright red hair made him visible. I had never in my life seen him look so furious. He picked the guy up by his collar and pushed him against the wall so that their faces were inches apart.

"You're gonna regret the day you tried to touch my fucking wife," he spat, before throwing another forceful punch at the guy's nose. I heard a crunching sound and he cried out in pain. Gerard bent down to the ground and punched him several more times until he stopped screaming and stopped moving. He then took his wallet from his pocket, removed his ID card and put his wallet back. He turned to me and picked me up from the ground, brushing the dirt away from my now ripped clothing.

"Come on Izzy, I'm taking you home."

The Fourth Fall (Sequel to Boy In My Class) Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now