chapter 6

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She offed the gas and opened the pot.

(What a lovely aroma) she thought.


As she opened the pot, she perceived such a wonderful scent. She went straight to the  cupboard and brought out such a beautiful cooler with white and blue flower drawings on them. She brought out three of them. According to their sizes.

The biggest had the rice.
The median had the soup/stew.
The smallest had the chickens.

She went straight to Abubakars room to inform him that she had finished cooking.

She knocked on the door but there was no response.
She then pushed the door and saw him lying down on the bed smiling.

"Looks like you've really fallen for this girl" said maryam.

"Oh! Maryam when did you come in"?

" huh! That's so stupid. You didn't even realize when I entered the room. I'm angry with you."

"I'm sorry. Pls would you forgive me".

" no. Leave me alone. Said maryam walking out of the room so upset.

"Oh my god. What have I done. Calming this lady down is gonna be really hard. But I think I know exactly what to do".

Abubakar picked up his car keys, went over to the shoe rack and picked up a slippers.

He went out of the house without maryam knowing.

As he arrived at the mall, he took a shopping basket and started to shop.

He really bought maryam lots and lots of thing.

Things like:
Flat shoes.
Hand bags
Kitchen coolers.
Wrist watch

And so many other things. It really costs a lot of money. But Abubakar didn't care about how much the money would cost.

And he absolutely didn't forget about what she likes the most.
" ice creams"

He brought lots of bowls filled with ice creams and different flavours.

As Abubakar walked out the mall, he suddenly bumped into the same girl which he had seen the other day.

He dropped all the shopping bags into the car and went straight to the lady.

He them said to her"assalamu alaikum, do you remember me. We actually..................

"Wa alaikumus salam. Yes. I do remember you".

" what a coincidence. We actually met again. But the last time we met, I didn't know your name".

"Can you tell me what your name is please"?

" my name is safeeya. And may I know yours"?.

"Sure. I'm abubakar". Can I get your phone number?


The lady gave Abubakar her phone number and they part ways.

As he arrived home, he saw maryam eating bananas while sitting on the soffa

" look maryam I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Please??

"Okay. But I have a condition. You need to buy me ice creams with different flavours".

" is that all????

"Yes. That's all.

" okay. Wait a second. I'll be right back.

Abubakar went straight to car and pressed the boot button from the key.

It then opened. Abubakar picked up all the shopping bags he had brought with him from the mall. He took it inside.

Brought out the ice cream bowls And gave it to her.

She was so overwhelmed and said"apology accepted. Your forgiven".

"Thank you maryavm".

" what's inside those shopping bags. Can I see them"?

"Nope. They're mine. You can see it later".

" hmmm! Okay then.

Maryam left the parlour and was going straight to her room. As she opened the door, she just gasped and couldn't even blink her eyes.

She was shocked to see wht was in front of her.

"So, how do you like your room maryam"?.


Can't wait to see how maryam's room looks like

Could it be beautiful or.....................

Anyways,don't forget to

Thanks guys

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