chapter 5

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I took some of the pancake and ate it.
As I took the first bite, I heard this beautiful voice saying

"Did you enjoy it my dear, was it yummy"?

She frightened me that I almost fell of the chair.

" gee......... Maryam, you almost gave me a Heart attack ".

" sorry. But you know I didn't mean to and....

       "No problem its okay. You know I can never be angry with you. Said Abubakar smiling and his deep dimples showing.

As time passed by, Abubakar finally realized it was time to get married. He kept thinking of it on and on.

" Abubakar! Abubakar!

"Na'am dear?

" you see we ran out of some food items. Can be pls be a Darling and grab some for me from the super market????

"No worries dear. Of course. Lemme go and put on my shoe" okay??.

Abubakar went straight to his shoe rack, picked a black palms  with a Versace sign, took the car keys from the drower and went out to the parlour.

He walked towards the door and yelled her name
"Maryam! Maryam! Sai na dawo.(till I  come back)

" Allah ya kiyaye hanya"(may god protect you on your way).

He walked to the garage, pressed the open button, opened the door and zoomed off.

On his way to the mall, he bumped into a beautiful young dark beauty tall dimpled lady.

She was holding some shopping bags which she had bought from the mall.

"Oh I'm sorry ma'am. Said Abubakar feeling guilty.

" is there anything I can do for you????

"No problem. Its okay. Thanks for helping me pick up the items from the floor".

" no problem ".

She walked away as Abubakar kept starring at her non stop.

The moment Abubakar saw her, he felt since he was to choose a bride, why choose when he has seen one.

He arrived home and knocked on the door.

And suddenly maryam rushed to door and opened it.

" sannu da zuwa"(welcome back)

So he steeped in with a big smile on his face saying the Arabic word

"Assalamu alaikum" (may peace be upon you)

That is usually said in our own Islamic religion.

"Wa alaikumus salam" ( ameen may peace be upon you too)

Maryam suddenly noticed the smile on his face and said

" akwai matsala ne Abubakar?(is there any problem Abubakar)

"Aa. Meyasa kika che haka" (no. But why did you ask)

"Its cause you've been smiling on and on. Tell me. What's the reason"?.

" oh! Maryam you won't believe whom I saw.
She was so pretty that  I fell for her".

"Toh alhamdullillah you've finally found a second match for your self". I'm happy to hear that.
But tell me, what that lucky lady's name???

" um not sure either. I accidentally bumped into her and that's all.

"Oh I see". So where are the things you brought home with you??

" Here they are. Take them in".

Maryam took the leather with the groceries and took it to the kitchen.

She cooked the meal and then let it boil for sometime.

She then left the kitchen and went to join her husband in his Maghreb prayer.

After praying and said all her duas, she quickly went back to the kitchen to check on the meal.

She offed the gas and then opened the pot.

(What a lovely aroma) she thought.

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By: AKA_farha06

The Two Wives(a Hausa  Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang