"For our senior year graduation trip we decided to go to Hawaii together." I nodded again. "Well as it turns out he brought his best friend which is the guy who threw this party to begin with. I came home and was looking for Isaiah to find him in our room, having sex with some slut."

Right before she could pour out anymore tears I walked over beside her and engulfed her in a hug. "Shhh Catie it will be alright."

"I just don't know what to do because I'm suppose to be here all summer long and I'm definitely going to break up with him, because I'm not going to date a fucking cheater."

I knew what I had to do, if I was in her position I would want a friend with me to offer a hand in need when I needed one. "You can come over to my house."

She looked up at me dropping her mouth "oh no I just met you and.."

I stopped her before she would completely talk herself out of it "no seriously it's fine, I'm here with my best friend Ally, my brother Grey, and my parents. We have more than enough room in my house and believe me my moms a very understanding person, and my dad usually just follows what my mom wants."

I could tell she was speechless. "Well common we can get your stuff now and then head back to my place, because I know that if it was me in your position I wouldn't want to be here anymore."

She nodded and we started walking back into the house up the stairs to find her room empty, I texted Ryan telling him what had happened.

We each grabbed a suit case and all of her bags, and she went around picking up all of her clothes and things before we walked out.

We got to the car and it was already turned on with Ryan in the drivers sit messing around with what music channel he wanted to listen to.

Ryan made eye contact with me and jumped out of his seat, opening the trunk for us to put all of the bags inside.

"Is it just me or do you look like you aren't having fun?"

Ryan looked up at me "it's not fun for me knowing my girlfriend is drinking and have several stupid guys surrounding her starring her down the entire damn time."

I had no clue there were even guys looking at me, oh well I wasn't going to question him.

I looked at Catie and Ryan and said to them "I have to go get Ally because I don't want her here alone drunk."

Before either one of them could reply I sprinted for the door looking around at every face in the room. Damn her shortness.

After I couldn't find her all around the downstairs of the house I walked out into the backyard, pushing my way through people. I looked in the pool. Nope. I walked around every single foot of that backyard and still no Ally.

I made my way back into the house and walked up stairs. God please help her if I find her up here.

I opened the first door I saw, and I found myself looking at a couple screwing in the bed. Nope! I shut the door as fast as I could. I went to the second door before I could open it, it smelling like vomit. I opened it and it was a small bathroom with a tall tan, dark haired girl. Damn still not Ally. I shut the door releasing my breath to get fresh air.

I then walked up to the room Catie and I were just in, her room.

I opened it quickly because I didn't want Ryan and Catie to wait for me for another 20 minutes. There was a tall guy with nice toned abs and black hair, he had only his shirt off.

Sure enough pushed up against the wall with the mans hand tightly holding onto her waist, and another shoved down her pants was by best friend Ally.

My Trip to HawaiiWhere stories live. Discover now