Chapter 12- All Over

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"Quick! Get the breathing mask!"
"Should we just call and ambulance?"
"She's a Yokai, plus, you try telling the doctors that she ended up this way because of strenuous time traveling."

I can't move. What's going on?

"She would be fine right? Shes a quick healer."
"Hopefully. But she pushed herself to hard. Not even the most powerful gods could make three time traveling trips in one go."

Why can't I move? Why can't I breath properly?

"Mikage? What's going on? Why is everyone running around?" A dreary voice asked. It sound familiar.
"Kaiyō is have problems breathing." He's right. Why can't I breath smoothly? I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't.
"Found it!" A voice announced before I felt a cool rubbery feeling thing placed around my mouth. I could breath smoothly again.
Cool hands softly touched my wrist.
"Her heart beats still weak. Keep an eye on it."
"Of course."

I faded back into darkness again.

"Kaiyō?" My eyes shot open at the sound of Tomoes voice. I quickly sat up and looked around.
"Kaiyō? Your awake!" Mizuki burst into the room.
"What happened?"
"You pushed yourself to hard when time traveling. Your body couldn't handle it. Luckily we where able the get the medicine god to comedown and have a look. He said he owed you a favour." Mizuki smiled at me before handing me a glass of water.
"How's Tomoe?"
"We still have one day left. You have to be the one to give him the hairpin other wise it won't work."
"Nanami found the hairpin?" I asked and Mizuki handed me the hairpin. It was warm.
"I need to get him out. Know!"
"That's not such a good idea..."
"It's only jumping into a mirror. I can do it. Tomoes in pain at the moment. I can't wait any longer."
"Very well then." Mizuki said before handing me the pocket mirror.

"Thanks Mizuki." Mizuki left the room so I could concentrate.

I took the mirror in my hands and murmured a few words into the mirror. The next thing I knew I was rocketing towards Tomoe.
"Tomoe!" His striped body moved slightly as he turned around to look at me. I held out the hairpin so he could grab it.
"Take it!" I handed him the hairpin and landed in his arms. "Don't you dare do this to me again!"
"I don't plan to." He chuckled before planting a kiss. "I missed you." I hugged him tightly, already seeing the marking fade away.
"I missed you to." My voice started to crack though my cries. "Please don't do this to me again."

"I won't. I promise."


Sorry for the very short chapters.

Thanks for reading!

(456 Words)

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