Chapter 2- Time Travel Changes You

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"Okay, so let me get this straight. We go back in time to god that Tomoe made the deal with and find out what item the deal was made on. Then we find it in our time and deliver it to Tomoe."
Mikage had just explained to us how deals like that are formed. After the deal is made the person making the deal gives an object of sentimental value to the god. This ensures that the deal wouldn't be broken before it is fulfilled.
"That's correct." Mikage nodded.

"Right. Mizuki! Get your time wending incense burner and set it up in my bedroom. Nanami, your coming to. Onikiri and Kotesu, set up a futon for Nanami to sleep on. Where going back in time now." I rushed into my room with everyone else and laid down on my futon.
Mizuki soon entered with incense burner and Nanami laid down on the futon next to mine.

"I will be sending both of your bodies back in time. Nanami has done this before but Kaiyō, last time I only sent your spirit back. It will take some time to get used to." Mizuki carefully explained before lighting the burner. "See you to soon."

Just as he said it everything went white. The next thing I knew I was laying on the shore of a lake.
"Nanami?" I groaned as I staggered to my feet.
"I'm here." She replied as she got to her feet. Where were in the clothing we where wearing before. Nanami was wearing her black turtle neck, light tan denim skirt, lavender jacket and brown boots while I wore my everyday blue kimono and lake foam green hamori Tomoe gave me, though he kept on insisting that it was sea foam green. My black scarf covered my neck.

"Now what?" She asked.
"Firstly I become human."
"What?" Nanami asked as I reach into my pocket and pulled out an enchanted leaf and placed it on my head.
A puff of smoke surrounded me as I took the apperence of a human.
"Wow!" Nanami expressed as she looked at me in awe.
"What?" Nanami pulled me down to the lake and showed me my reflection.
My ears became round and human like instead of bumpy and fin like. My lavender and Aqua hair became brown and for some reason so did my eyes.
Long story short, I looked almost exactly like Nanami.

"I guess this is my human form." I sighed as I turned away.
"Why didn't your hair and eyes stay the same?"
"I chose medieval Japanese human woman as a topic for transformation. Hair and eyes like mine are not natural human colours. Blue is but me shade of blue isn't a natural eye colour."
"That makes sense, I guess." Nanami said as we made our way to a near by road.
"Next, we find something more appropriate for you to wear." Nanami studded herself before nodding in agreement.

Before we could take another step a group of men, possibly form a nearby town, approached us from the bush. All of them held a sword.
"Who are you women?"
"My name is Kaiyō and this is Nanami. We're just passing though." I couldn't tell them our last names. For all I know one of the men could be one of Nanamis ancestors.
"Are you aware of the recent attacks and sightings of yokai in this area?"
"No. Where not from here." I stated again. He men nodded to one another before looking back at us. The suddenly started running at us with there swords in attack position.

I dogged their attacks and managed to keep Nanami out of danger. I was keeping an eye on the men that I didn't notice that one had slipped around the back till he hit me in the head with the butt of his sword.

Everything when black.

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