Chapter 1- Curse

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It's been a month since Akura-Ou has gotten his body back and nothing has happened yet. I can't help but feel like something is going to happen but for all I know, nothing could happen.

Snow has covered the ground, signalling that winter has started. School has finished for the year so Nanami don't leave the shrine as often as before, only leaving to catch up with Ami and Kei. This, of course, makes it very hard for us familiars to keep the shrine clean but we manage.

The day started just like any other. Wake up in Tomoes warm arms and while trying not to wake him, quickly jump out of bed and slip on a warmer kimono before I die of hypothermia. Make breakfast just in time for everyone else to be up and start chores. If all goes to plan, free time.

I had finished all of my chores so at the moment I was sitting outside in the cool winter air, reading The Hound of Baskerville by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It had to be my favourite book in the whole Sherlock Holmes series.

"It's snowing!" Nanamis announced, knocking me out of my thoughts. It was know that I released that I had to restart the whole chapter has my mind had been somewhere else the whole time. "Kaiyō! Do you want to have a snow ball fight with Kotesu, Onikiri and I?"
"I'm fine thanks." I tried to go back to reading my book but was soon met with a snowball to the face. "Who threw that!?" I asked, putting my book down and jumping to my feet. Nanami giggled as she crafted another snow ball. "My turn!" I grabbed some snow and pushed it into a lump. "Take that!" I though the ball right at Nanamis stomach, hitting it.

"That hurt!"
"It's all part of the fun." Nanami laughed mischievously as she though her ball at me but I dodged and though another one at her.
This went back and forth for a bit.
"Stop moving!" Nanami complained as I jumped behind the tori gate and created another snowball. The next thing I knew the tori gate was hit with a snowball and it started to crumble.

The health of the shrine mirrors the health of the familiars of the shrine and who ever it was must be really sick for the tori gate to crumble.
"Kaiyō? What happened?" Nanami asked as she ran over to me. Sudden realisation hit me. Mikage only removed Tomoes memory's of Yukiji and that should hold back the fallen gods curse but the memories does the curse.
"TOMOE!" I rushed inside to see Tomoe slumped against the wall. "Tomoe." I quickly knelt next to him and started to take of the top half of his kimono. Black dusty like marks had weaved there way around his body. The curse was back. "Tomoe. You need to forget. Please. I'm begging you." I cried in to his shoulder. "Please."

"Kaiyō? What's going on? Why is the shrine falling apart." Mizuki ran towards me and Tomoe. "What happened? Kaiyō?" I pushed back my tears and tried to help Tomoe stand up.
"Long story. I'll tell you after we get Tomoe stabilised."
"How do we do that?"
"I don't know."

"Kaiyō. What happened to you? You always used to smile for me." Mikages voice echoed around us as a blue butterfly flew in and turned into Mikage. "I'm sure Tomoe would like to see your smile right now."
"Mikage?" Tomoe muttered. His voice was very weak.
"Rest now Tomoe. All will be explained later." Mikage said before locking Tomoe in the pocket mirror. "That should slow down the curses progression. Now we have more time to figure out a solution." He handed me the pocker mirror. "Take good care of him." I nodded, clutching the mirror in my hands.
"Thank you." I muttered as I held it close to my chest.

"Kaiyō. Mizuki. What happened?" Nanami ran into the room to see all three of us standing around. The spirits had followed her in as well.
"Tomoe has remembered Yukiji. A woman that he loved in his past. Because of this the curse placed on him by a fallen god has finally taken over. He only has three days to live." Mikage explained calmly. How could he be so clam?

Tears started to roll down my cheeks and past my mouth, leaving a salty tang on my tongue. I held the mirror closer to my chest and started to ball.
"How could you be so clam!? Tomoes cursed! He only has three days to live and your just standing there like nothing has happened!"
"No! I'm going back in time to stop Tomoe from ever making that bloody deal! Mizuki! I need your incense burner!" I ran out of the room.
"Kaiyō." Mikage grabbed me by the wrist. "You can't do this. If Tomoe never gets curse you will never meet him therefore you will never save him in the first place, resulting in a pardox. There's another way." Mikage explained and I socked in the information.
"Then what do we do?" My voice cracked due to my crying. "I can't just sit here and wait for something to happen."

"I know. Do you remember when I told you about meeting Nanami before she became a god? Three hundred years before actually." I nodded as I remembered our small conversation.
"I believe this is when it happens. The answer lies in the past but not in the way your looking for it. I have a plan but I need you to listen to me."
I nodded as I tried to clam myself down. I wanted to be rational when Mikage explained his plan.

Please let us have enough time to save Tomoe.


First Chapter in my third book. Hope you enjoyed it!
Please let me know what you would like to see in this book.

Thanks for reading!

(1004 Words)

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