I walked out and sat on a table between Kriss and America. I turned to Kriss immediately so I wouldn't have to face America. 

"Kriss, how's your breakfast going?" I asked. Trying to fill some time up between now and the proposal. 

"Great actually, I love these blueberry muffins. My mother used to make them all the time, they were amazing. Maybe I could bring them in some time." She said as she praised her mother. 

"Wonderful," I said "I'll be counting you to it then," I said. She giggled.

"She also makes these delicious cook-" She said stopping as all three of us looked in front of us. Watching a guard take a red bandana. Wrapping it around his head. Going up to one of the guests, and shooting the gun. That's when it hit me. Rebel Guards.

Kriss screamed as the bullets were louder and louder. I told her to get on the floor.

"Kriss, hide under here. Keep quiet, you'll be fine." I said and she obeyed. 

As for America, she was just watching the whole thing play out as if she was watching a football game. 

She locked eyes with one of the guards. At first, I thought it was Aspen coming to her rescue. I looked a little bit closer. It was not. 

He brought the gun to America first, then looking at me to see if I cared. Then pointed it at me to see how America would react. She looked pained to see either one of us shot. 

He pointed it back to America. 

"Noooooo. This can't be happening. I was supposed to have a good life. I have done everything kind. Why?" Kriss screamed. 

I turned around the calm her down.

"Kriss you're going to be fine. Think happy thoughts alright?" I said with a smile. 

I turned around, back to the gun problem. He chose America and pulled the trigger. I saw. America was shot. On the left side of her stomach, but she didn't fall.  She was trying to hold on for as long as she could. I could see it on her face. That pain. She was bleeding, but she still held on. She didn't want to pass out. He saw my expression. I looked as if I was ready to punch him. He seemed to enjoy it and toyed the gun between us. In my expression, I mouthed a silent "No". Why did I do that? It's like adding gasoline to a fire. 

He shot her again. This time, she fell forward mouthing "I'm sorry." Just for fun. Who shoots someone for fun? In the back, a guard killed the man who shot America. Good riddance. 

"America!" I said running to her aid. 

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Nevermind that, let's get you to the infirmary," I said scooping her up. I could feel her blood on my hands, streaming down my arm.  

My only fear right now was that America would bleed out. I didn't dare call for a nurse. There were more rebels than I could count. I carried her over to the doctor's office. 

I looked at America. She wanted to sleep. She wanted to close her eyes, and when she would awaken, this would all be over. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. 

Doctor Ashlar was nowhere to be seen in the office. I laid America down on one of the gurneys, being by as much as I could. She was already unconscious, I could say something to her, but it's unlikely she would hear. 

"America. I forgive you. Please. Come back to me, I'll choose you. Alright? Don't give up just yet. I promise I'll choose you no matter what. No matter how many times you hurt me, I don't have it in me to let you go."I whispered in her ear. 

"Your Majesty," Officer Coilton said. "Thank God I found you." He said with relief. "We must get you to the safe room. Kriss, the King and the Queen are all there. We are just missing you." He explained. 

"No. I'm not going. Tell my father I not leaving America." I said with determination. 

"Your Majesty, My orders come from the King and the Queen. They specifically told me to not obey what you had to say. You must come with me or I will lose my job." He said sadly.

"Fine," I said. "I'll go. On one condition. Make sure Doctor Ashlar knows about America's condition. Have the doctor report to me immediately after this war is over." I said making sure he got all that. 

"Will do, Sir." He said leading me to the safe room. 


"Maxon! Where the hell have you been?! I thought you were dead! Do you know what could have happened to our country if you had been?!"He shouted at me. 

"Maxon," My mom said opening her arms to me. "You were with America, right?" She whispered in my ear. 

"She was shot," I said to her.

"America's a fighter. She'll be fine. What about you though?" She asked despite the situation.

"Worried," I said. Laughing. 

"I bet." She said back. 

I was pacing back and forth by now. America was shot. I still didn't know about America's condition. I paced back and forth until I fell. Luckily my mother woke me up. Then I began pacing again.  

"Sleep honey. Please. For me." She pleaded.

I could only nod, as I headed for a bed. 


"Your Majesties?" A guard called. I woke up. Desperate to know America's condition. 

I ran to the Doctors office. There was Doctor Ashlar. 

"Doctor Ashlar?" I called out.

"Yes?" A voice responded. "Oh your Majesty! I'm sorry, I was expecting someone else." She said. 

"That's alright." I answered. I cut straight to it. "Is America here?" I asked.

She nodded her head and pointed to her right.

My America. Hooked to a hell ton of wires and IV fluids. She was still unconscious. 

"I'd like to discuss a very serious matter with you about America." She said. 

I turned and everything went dark. 

"I did and ultrasound of her to try and search for the bullet. I found something else besides the bullet." She answered scarily but confidently.

"Actually two something elses." she said with more clarification.

Oh No. 

Maxerica: That One BulletWhere stories live. Discover now