My chest was wrenched with guilt. I would have to force the Cullens to change her. Either way, I'd be responsible for killing her.

"Okay." My voice cracked at the end as I tried to hold back tears of anger, frustration, and sadness.

Aro rushed towards me with a wicked grin on his face. "Oh Avery, there is no need to cry. This is what you owe us, after all, you have so much to lose." He chuckled as my anger grew. "You wouldn't want anything to happen to Jacob, would you?"

That was the last straw for me. "DON'T YOU EVER SAY HIS NAME!"

I ran towards Aro and attempted to grab his throat and throw him across the room but was stopped. I felt a wave of pain come towards me and I crumbled to the floor. It was like every bone in my body was being slowly crushed. It was the tortuous work of Jane. Aro looked down at me with a look of disgust.

"Don't make this any worse for yourself, Avery." I heard Jane say from afar.

The pain left after that and I tried to regain myself. I stood up and looked at Aro with pure anger.

"I think this ends our meeting." Aro stated with a sly grin. "It was a pleasure seeing you again, Avery."

My expression said a thousand words and that was enough for Aro. I walked away, all while trying to keep myself from shifting.


When I got home, I was met with my furious dad.

He looked so angry yet, disappointed and sad. I pitied him, he didn't deserve this. But, I couldn't tell him. I also couldn't let this keep going. He had to have suspicions. He couldn't actually believe my mother was still battling a deadly disease.

"Avery--" He began.

"Dad--" I swallowed my fear and looked him right in the eyes. "I actually have a reason this time. I've had a reason all this time."

His angered look left and was replaced with a raised brow. "Go on." He said.

"What did mom tell you?"

"That she was at a clinic in France, her family was paying for all of it. And she didn't want to see us till she was healthy again, if she ever got to that point."

"It's a lie. All of it. We've been lying since Portland."

The look in my dad's eyes could only be described as his heart sinking. How could he not feel that way, here I was telling him that his family had been lying to him for years.

"What do you mean?"

"Mom isn't going to die because she can't. That's what we went to Italy for." I let out gently.

"Do you mean...?" He ran his hand through his hair and inhaled deeply. He was beyond stressed but, I knew what he meant.

"Yes, she's a vampire. And she never came back because she was afraid of what you'd say."

My dad stayed silent, his eyes glued to the floor. I wasn't sure what else to say, how could I know what to say? This was terrible news to deliver. It seemed I was always the bearer of bad news.

"Why wasn't I told about this when it all started?" He asked silently.

"I was afraid you wouldn't agree to it. And I couldn't let mom die. I did what I thought I had to do." Then I worked up the nerve to say something I never thought I'd say. "But, I'm sorry, dad. For all of it. I just wanted us all to be together." Uncontrollable tears streamed down my face as I waited for his reply.

"Avery," My dad began, I worried that he would be angry with me. "Don't ever feel that you have to hide things from me. I'm your father, I will always be here for you." He pulled me into a tight hug.

For the first time, it didn't feel so lonely in this house. Maybe all I really did need was my dad. The house didn't seem silent anymore, even as we said nothing. My family was right here, with or without my mother.


Later that night, when I was lying in bed relishing the moment of happiness in my house, my phone rang. It was late at night and I hadn't been expecting a call. It was Jacob.

"Avery?! Are you at home?!" He asked frantically as soon as I answered.

"Yeah, why?" The moment of happiness faded away and worry clouded my thoughts.

"Victoria just passed through but we couldn't catch her." Jacob let out a few heavy breaths showing his extreme concern.

"Jacob, calm down. There's nothing to worry about." I said, trying to calm him.

"You're what I'm worried about."

"I'm fine, though. I'm perfectly fine." I reassured him. I assumed his worry was the result of his imprint.

"Just please be careful if you go anywhere. Okay?"

"Of course."

I wondered if Alice had seen Victoria come. She had to have seen it, especially since it pertained to Bella's well-being. Alice and Bella were good friends and sometimes I wondered if she was closer to Bella than I was.

If Alice hasn't seen it then I have to tell her, if she's willing to speak to me.

Sorry, I updated late I started school on the 2nd and I've just been so busy. Nonetheless, thanks for reading!

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