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It didn't make sense at first. I expected pain and fear but it wasn't here. I was in a field. Snow made the ground look white. The woods were still thick around me. It was empty and silent. 

Just a few feet away from me was a mirror. I looked into the mirror and was horrified at what I saw. It was me. Standing in the snow white field but now there were body parts littered all over. I looked around me frantically. It was the Cullens. All of them. Torn to pieces. But farther, there was something different. It was blood.

I ran towards it. It was Bella. Her body laid there lifeless. The blood had left through her jugular vein. It formed a puddle. It tainted the pure snow around her.

In shock, I fell to my knees and covered my mouth. Had I done this? It had to be me. I somehow did this. I was responsible for all this death.

I was horrified. But all the bodies around me wasn't what truly horrified me. It was the fact that this, what I was seeing, could actually happen. Quite frankly, I'm surprised it hasn't already.

But Bella? I never planned that. Maybe this was my punishment.


Suddenly the scenery changed. I wasn't in a field of bodies. I was somewhere worse, Jacob's house. It was the worst place to be because I could already sense what he was going to say. Although I had never seen his house what I imagined it to be like was right in front of me. And so was Jacob.

He had this angered yet sad look on his face. He couldn't even look me in the eye.

"Avery...I just don't think..."

I knew it. He was leaving, just like everyone else! Of course he was leaving! Why would anyone want me in the first place?!

He kept on talking but I wasn't listening anymore. He was leaving and that was it. I was so devasted I couldn't even process the emotion fully before the scenery changed again.


Now, I was in my driveway. I was standing in front of Jasper. He could look me in the eyes though. His facial expression was of pain.

Jasper opened his mouth to say something but didn't. It took him awhile to finally get it out.

"I'm--We're leaving. And not coming back."

"What do you mean leaving?"

"After what happened--Avery I can't let something like that happen to you again."

"Wh--What are you talking about?"

He looked at me one more time then began to walk away. It didn't make sense that he was walking away but I was more afraid that he was serious about not coming back.

"Jasper?!" I began to follow him. But he didn't turn around. I grabbed his arm and he ripped away from my grasp.

"You always have to make things so difficult, Avery!" He shouted harshly. Then he sped off.

Jasper left too. Of course he did. What did I expect?! Everyone was gone and no one was coming back.

No one...


I awoke from my dream when I realized my breathing was being cut off.

My feet were dangling as I was being pressed onto my wall by my throat. It was her. She was still here. Her eerily calm, red eyes bore into me.

"Hope I didn't interrupt a good dream." She smiled. She pressed around my throat tighter. I started scratching at her hands and gasping for any air. "This will teach you to follow direct orders next time."

She let go and I dropped to the floor. I was hyperventilating severely.

She walked towards my open window. Her back faced me. "Don't forget, Avery. You're easy to break."

Unfortunately, she was right.

Then she sped off, disappearing through the window.

Sooo there's the first chapter. I'm super excited like I was in the first chapter of the first book. Omg, anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you guys enjoy the book!

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