Chapter 30: Sharing

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(A/n: Last chapter guys!)

Hours pass that they remained silent in the cell. Loki sat reading while Ash sat against the bed in an uncomfortable sleep. Ash didn't wake up until she heard the sound of the guard passing by announcing that the lights were soon to go out. She fell to her side as she jolted awake.

Loki closed his book and put it down on the table as he took his boots off and watched as Ash clambered to her feet. He silently walked to the bed and climbed next to the wall, putting his boots near the end of the bed.

Ash knew that the bed could easily fit two people but she wasn't about to tell him that. She knew very well that pissing him off before the lights went out would definitely not be a good move.

He glanced over at her and noticed that she was watching intently. It irritated him to no end that she continuously watched him until he pleased her with something. It was like staring at him was her new way of silently irritating him. As soon as he was under the blankets he glanced at her and said, "You may sleep in the bed tonight, but the moment you bother or touch me you will be on the floor."

She seemed to accept that as she slipped off her shoes and slipped into the bed beside him, though she did her best to stay close to the edge of the bed where she would certainly not touch him. Getting kicked out of the only bed in the cell was certainly not something she wanted to do. Though, she was certain that Frigga wouldn't let her get a bad back because Loki was being uncivilized. 

The last thing she noted in her mind before dozing off to sleep was that Loki was facing away from her. Surely he couldn't stay mad at her forever. It would be quite a long time of them two alone in a cell, she hoped it wouldn't be a bad time between them. 

It was barely even seven hours later and Loki woke her up as he was tossing and turning beside her in the bed. She rubbed her eyes and noticed that the lights were back on. Didn't they think the prisoners really deserved more sleep than that? Asgard had strange time. Perhaps the sun was up already- not that Ash would know with being in such a dark and isolated dungeon.

She turned to her side where she was facing Loki and noticed that he was muttering things in his sleep. It wasn't until he let out an emotionally triggered yell that she sat up and started tugging his arm and tapping his heaving chest. "Loki? Loki! Wake up!"

His head shot up and immediately headbutted with hers. She leaned back against the railing at the foot of the bed as she rubbed her forehead with a wince. He glowered at her as he rubbed his slightly sweating head as well. "I told you not to touch me or bother me. You have done both."

She stated quietly, "Loki... you were having a nightmare... I was scared... You started shouting in your sleep..."

"That is not unusual." He sighed before saying, "Do not touch me again, pet."

Loki moved to where his feet were on the floor of the cell and his elbows were resting on his knees as he couldn't help but cover his face, obviously trying to get over what ever it was he just went through. There was silence between them once again.

Ash sat on the edge of the bed beside him, her feet were almost an inch off the ground as they hung over the side. She asked, "Did you want to talk about it?"

"I wish for silence. Your constant chatter is disturbing me."

"It might-"

"I said silence!" He stood from the bed and walked over to his chair where he sat away from Ash. His dream had obviously left him disliking her more than he did before.

She sighed as she watched him, muttering to herself, "You always withhold all of your emotions..."

He glanced at her, obviously having heard what she said. But he wasn't going to yell. No, that wouldn't make him feel better. Perhaps if he ignored her she wouldn't be a concern for him.

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