Chapter 17: Anger

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The news was devastating. He thought it couldn't get any worse. He was looking forward to Ash's arrival. She had finally awoken and was swiftly being transported to him. However, upon the arrival of the helicopter, it was only the people he had ordered to serve her. They were apparently doing horribly at their assigned jobs.

With his scepter held tightly in his hands, he swung it unbearably hard, firing a blue blast and immediately shattered a vase while breaking the wooden table beneath it. He slammed the bottom of his scepter to the hard marble floor and it echoed throughout the room. How could they lose her again in New York?! Now there was not a trace of her to be found. They were simply going to check every building in New York and any surrounding city until she was found.

The past four days were quite a success, he didn't need her ruining it. He had built a much stronger army; not only of Frost Giants but of actual Midgardian warriors. SHIELD was now under his command. They were all his blue-eyed slaves. There were many other troops in his army that were of Midgard but SHIELD held the more talented members.

Of course, taking SHIELD into his command was no easy task. There was much bloodshed but he got what he wanted regardless. After overtaking SHIELD it was relatively easy to take command of the rest of Midgard. It was a busy few days. He personally oversaw the attack on the countries of the world. Now his armies were simply dealing with control in the rather insignificant places of Midgard. He knew it would only be a short amount of time before the Midgardians accepted him as their ruler and willingly bowed down to him.

That was what he had to wait for. Ash would soon realize that she had nowhere to go. Loki would be waiting for her submission. Though it would be quite a step back if she were to discover all that he had done in the past few days. He wanted her with him, but she would never willingly be with him if she heard of his merciless treatment of Midgard. He would have to deal with that when he finally had her with him, however.

The doors of the throne room opened and Thor entered. The Avengers looked at him as he passed them by without even glancing at them. Loki sat on his throne as he looked down at his brother. "What news do you have for me today, Thor? I thought I sent you out to secure the area."

There was a silence before Thor got down on one knee, putting his hammer down beside him with a fist over his heart in a respectful Asgardian manner. The Avengers were quite surprised at this. Thor began to explain, "It is secured, my King. The Midgardians were quick to surrender as a great many fell. I wondered if you wished for me to bring what trained warriors there were to join the ranks of your armies."

Loki looked thoughtful for a moment before commanding, "Have the Frost Giants bring them in. I will deal with them." He gave a mischevious glance towards his scepter before looking back at Thor. "I have another matter for you to attend to." He looked away from Thor and towards the group of Avengers and snapped, "I will get Ash back using my own manners! Until she is returned you will all be held in the dungeons due to your insolence!"

Two Frost Giants entered the throne room with their ice-formed weapons. They lead the small group to their cells beneath the castle. It was dark and difficult to see there. But it was a good enough punishment for losing Loki's personal favorite pet. Tony could see as much as anyone that this was no longer a relationship between the two. Loki was just crazily possessive of her. It was a wonder Ash still maintained her sanity with him. Loki had to have some kind of mental influence on her!

As soon as the doors closed Loki smiled at Thor as the God of Thunder asked, "My orders, King Loki?"

This was far beyond mischief. This was pure mayhem on Midgard and he was enjoying every second of it. Upon coming to Midgard he believed that he would have to kill his brother, but with the Mind Stone, enslaving his brother's mind was much more entertaining and beneficial.

Loki smiled as he began explaining, "Your friend Ash has grown quite into the habit of disobeying me. You know what happens to people who disobey me?" Thor nodded his head as he still hadn't looked at Loki. "Well, Ash is different. She will not be killed or tortured until near death. I require her here with me using any means necessary. I want her alive and not permanently damaged. Is that clear Thor?" There was a sharp nod. "Good. She is in New York. Find her and bring her to me."

Thor stood with his hammer in his hand as he replied in his flat voice, "Yes, my King." He left the room and immediately left for New York. With his hammer, it would take him no time at all to get there. Finding Ash would be the only problem in his way. But he would get it done as soon as possible for King Loki.

Loki took in a deep breath as he sat alone on his throne. He simply wondered what he was going to do about Ash. He had no doubt that she wouldn't want anything to do with him. It frustrated him that he would have to work on actually making her obedient to him. He didn't want to use his scepter on her but he certainly wasn't going to enjoy forcing her presence.

He needed something to get his mind off of Ash. He then remembered that Thor had come back with news of members to possibly be added to his army. He smiled as he stood, descending from the stairs of his throne with his scepter in hand. The more members he had in his army the wider his hold on Midgard would be. The many people had their own governments and form of rule, but Loki changed that. There would no longer be the separation of people. They were all under Loki's rule now.

It would certainly take a few more days to get everything back on track the way he wanted it to be. Business and trade and life itself seemed to have stopped at that. There was no military in the world left to fight, all belonged to Loki, and he would be their less than merciful King.

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