Deadpool- Never surrender (end)

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Everything hurt.
Everything was on fire.
You weren't sure how long this had been happening, a few hours? A day? All the pain hurt to much to think.
The fuckers were right. If it'd been anyone else they would have cracked.
But not you.
He was coming for you, you knew it. When he got here they would all be sorry. You'd kill them all.
But for now...You'd need to just grin and bare it.

"Here I go again on my own! Going down the only road I've ever known!-" deadpool sat in the taxi singing his little heart out with the driver. He was excited. Just 5 more minutes before he got to you and he killed a bunch of duckers (yes duckers not fuckers...a resent debate with the bath toys had shown him ducks were the real fuckers).
The taxi pulled up at some place with grates everywhere. A harbour..hard all honesty Wade didn't actually care. "Well thank you Mr Taxi Driver man. Time to go get my girl."
No sooner had he patted the taxi door than he was confronted with about a dozen men. Brilliant. Did he havvveee to do this? He just wanted to get to his fiancée...or well future fiancée. Not that she knew that but still.
"Look. Guys. Normally I'd be all for this. Really I would. But the past little wile my left hand has been doing a shit job at what y/n does fucking brilliantly at sooooooooooo...mind just letting me past? Help a guy-" There was a loud bang before he felt a pain in his shoulder. One of the men  was still holding the gun up...what a ducker. "out. Did you just shoot me while I was being heroic? Oh you little ducker!"
And then there was a LOT of death.

"Well that's your boyfriend here." The masked dickward said. Not that your brain really registered were practically dead. Your skin had been burned off so many times, hair all over your body was gone and so we're your clothes. Your pain receptors were going crazy.
You hadn't said anything about Wade yet. And you wouldn't.
"You know you reallllly should get some better- y/n? Y/n!" This voice...this voice you knew. This voice you remembered. His voice...the man you'd did this all for. He sounded so broken. "You fucker! You asshole fuck face fucker! You did that to her? Is she dead? Huh? Is she! You better pray to whatever god you belive in she isn't because if she is I'm going to find every single person you have ever met and I am going to destroy them" Though you couldn't see a thing you could hear the watery muffled sound of Wade kicking some guys ass. You guessed it was Mr fuckface mcgee. Wade was not a very calm and collected person, well he was but only with you, and he had a tendency to have a meltdown. This was a code red meltdown.
Deadpool didn't waste a lot of time before he had killed him.
The water slooshed around the tank as Wade battered against it to get you out until, finally, the tank shattered. The seat you were strapped to falling to the ground as you opened your eyes.
"Y/n! Y/n honey please forgive me...please. You have to be ok. Please." He sobbed and sobbed next to you. He put his gloved hand on your scarred arm and you admitted a shriek of pain. Everything hurt...every single thing hurt. The mettle in your skin and regenerative powers didn't save you from that.
As soon as he had touched you he had let go.

"Where the hell is my daughter?!" A familiar deep growl echoed throughout the hospital ward at the xmen mansion. Wade didn't know where to take you, every time someone touched you it was so painful you screamed and screamed. So...Wade called the one guy that he knew you'd trust to come in and squeeze the life out of his hand while you had to be touched by the doctors.
Your father.
The xmen main man.
The door flew open to the sterile pure white room, Wade sat next to you and he was the man your father was gunning for.
"What the hell are you doing so close to my daughter? This is your fault after all. You didn't even tell me she was missing!" He all but screamed and Wade willingly was flung all over the room like a rag doll.
"D-Dad..." You coughed weakly. Your regenerative powers had kicked in already and you had a tiny tiny mop of blue hair, your eyelashes and eyebrows blue to. They had grown in like that. Your skin had grown to look normal again but everything touching you felt like you were burning. "S-s-stop."
Wade cams over to your side, sending you a warm smile.
Logan was by your side all day every day for the next 6 months afterwards. Even fully healed he refused to leave.
The man had a bad case of controle freak syndrome.

"So ye when y/n comes in you just look her in the eye, do the hole get down on one knee thing and say...ummm...SHIT FUCK FUDGE MONKEYS!" Wade screamed at the mirror. Remembering a speech was a lot harder than it sounded when Logan suggested it...
"Wade honey you've been in there for an hour. And I've been back in the room right next door for 30 minutes. Get out here" You laughed holding a small velvet box. Wade, being the loveable idiot that you adored so much, had left your engagement ring sitting on the arm of the couch while he prepared his 'speech'.
Wade sheepishly poked his head out of the bathroom laughing nervously.
"What? I haven't even asked you yet!" He laughed coming to you and taking you in his arms.
"You've talked about how I'd like someone to propose to me for a month every single day. I guessed. I love you. Now please just shut up put that ring on me and get to bed. I have a suprise for you *this can be cake if you wish...😅*

You and Wade didn't take long to get married after that, you had a son a few years later and though Wade never forgave himself for what happened to you, you were glad you could have never surrendered.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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