Winter Soldier Short Story- Then (part 3)

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"You were engaged."
The room around you spun. You had a fiance. Someone you would've married.
What would Bucky think? You loved him now. You both lived for the other. Fiance or not nobody would take you away from him.
Bucky turned to look at you, looking like he has been shot. The pain in his gorgeous brown eyes was horrific to see.
"I...I...I didn't know. I don't care. I want to stay here with Bucky. I don't want to go back there. This is home. I like it here." You took the enitiative to go to Bucky, wrapping your arms around him as tightly as you could.
You loved him.
Not some guy you couldn't even remember.
He had to understand that right?
"Ma'm...we well...he's insistent on seeing you again. Harry Osborne is his name. Do you remember him?" Blondie asked sparing a glance at Bucky. Perhaps apologetically.
You shook your head frantically. Your head was spinning. There was so many people. You couldn't think straight.
Black widow nudged Steve then nodded toward the door.
All of the avengers left the room, iron man looked ready to kill but was restraining himself rather well.
Bucky looked down at you and sighed. "Y/n..."
"Don't. I'm not going. Your not going. We're staying right here where we're safe. I don't want to go see any of my passed I want to stay in the present with you." You stopped hugging him, grabbed his metal arm and pulled him to sit with you. Well you on him. "I love it here. I love it with you. You know that right?" You took his face in your hands. His brown eyes staring straight into your e/c eyes.
He nodded wrapping his arms around your waist. "Y/n, I know you love me. You know I love you. More than anything else I love you. And doing this could risk me loosing you-" You started to shake your head but he shushed you "but I know the only reason that you don't want todo this is because your scared. We can go there, together, to face whatever we have to. I will not leave your side. What if you have family? A mother and a father?" You couldn't answer. "This way we can still come back if you want to fall back off of the grid again. But wouldn't it be nice to get a proper shower? Eat food we haven't stollen from that town that's at least 4 hours away? Have clothes that we own and we haven't just taken? We could have it all."
Bucky caught the single tear that escaped.
"I'll go. If you promise me no matter what happens we will come back. And you will still love me. We go, get answers, come home. Ok?"

Having a proper shower was amazing. You decided that it was one good thing about being here.
Everything was loud.
There were far to many people.
Everything in the Stark tower made no sence.
People were either really nice or really in between.
But at least Bucky was always there. He never left you alone. He still loved you.
However today was the day you would meet 'Harry Osborne'. Bucky would be right there. He wouldn't let anything happen to you...
"Are you ready to go?" Bucky walked into the room you two shared smiling. You were fucking adorable.
There you stood in your jeans, his oversized hoodie falling to cover down to your mid thy, your h/l h/c freshly washed and shiny. Face devoid of any makeup. You were just you and he loved it.
He hoped after today he'd still have it.
Upon arrival you found out your parents and siblings had all died in a car crash not long after you had went missing.
"As ready as I'll ever be. I just want to fill in the blanks of my past then say goodbye to him. I guess I'd owe it to him after he's poored so much money into trying to find me."
Bucky nodded, wrapping his arm around your waist as you walked. goes nothing...maybe you'd figure out what happened then.

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