Iron Man One shot- Your Savour

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Tony Stark was a billionaire playboy who just happened to be a genius to. On the outside to the world he cared about money, his Iron Man suit and nothing else. They didn't see the man you knew because they never took the time to know him.
It was easy to see that you and Tony were in love but together... well that was a different story.
Tony and you had grown up together since your family's were good friends. Tony had been the annoying boy who'd loved to tease you and you were the perfect girl Tony didn't want to hurt.
But getting Tony to admit feelings for a girl was hard.
So much so that you eventually gave up.
And that's how this story began.
You smiled taking your time in the coffee shop drinking your drink while talking to your friend Mary-Jane as she rambled on about a boy named Peter Parker. It was nice to hear.
"In other news billionaire Tony Stark aka Iron Man failed to capture a dangerous police suspect after he was caught robbing a bank yesterday afternoon. The suspect is said to be dangerous and police are warning all civilians to exercise extreme caution." Your attention was drawn to the news report and you shook your head. That was all you'd hear about today when you visited Tony.
"So how is that going?" Mary-Jane asked, knowing who you were thinking about.
"It's not going, I can't keep wasting my time wanting him to like me so I've decided to get back out there."  You smiled a sad smile and Mary-Jane did the same. It would be hard but you knew you could do it. You had to.
"Well I'll see you tomorrow Mary I've got to go clean my apartment" you signed. Suddenly a man, with green skin came flying past on a little hover bored type thing and people began to scream.
Green Goblin.

"Jarvas get y/n on the phone now." Tony Stark almost yelled as he flue through the air in his iron man suit. He knew you were supposed to be in the same street that the Green Goblin was currently terrorising. He knew you were meeting up for lunch with a friend but not what time. His heart pounded as the phone began to beep, your phone was off.
"Fuck" he swore, he boosted his suit and flue at maximum speed to get there. Normally he'd have just let Spider Man deal with this but he did trust him to keep you safe.
Not like he could.
When it came to you Tony found that he was the only one who'd protect you properly.
You meant a lot to him and for whatever reason he couldn't see you hurt.
As soon as Tony could see the street his eyes wandered frantically looking for you. But he couldn't see you. The Goblin had his back to Tony and Tony realised that Spider Man was swinging toward him already. "Jarvis as scan for y/n."
"But Sir-" the machine tried.
"Now Jarvis!"
"You know Spider Man you don't take care of your little girlfriend enough." Goblin laughed crazily. He moved a arm around and Tony's heard leapt and squeezed painfully. The crazy Goblin, was holding a girl, and a very familiar girl. The web head looked over at Iron Man, nodding to him.
"Goblin come on put the girl down-" and just like that Goblin sped off laughing like a maniac and Tony was quick to give chase. "Or don't..." Spider Man sighed swinging in the same direction as both men went.

"Let go of me you psycho!" You screamed trying desperately to pry the Goblins hands from your neck but you stopped quickly, noticing that you were above water. You couldn't swim, if he dropped you you'd drown. Oh what had you gotten yourself into?
Either way you would die.
"Tony! Tony help me! TONY!" You screamed until your throat was soar and your voice was raspy. Then, out of nowhere a bolt of electricity made the Goblin have to swerve to the side.
"Let her go." You heard his voice but because you were facing the opposite way, you couldn't see him. You're heart was breaking when you heart that tone of his voice.
He sounded desperate and scared but also determined. If he got you out of this you'd confess your love. You just hoped he'd save you.
"Tony!" You screamed in relief. The Goblin looked at you and smirked, a yellow teethed smirk a day demented laugh. His grip in your neck tightened until you were gasping for breath.
"It seems I picked up the wrong girl..." Goblin said, Tony looked at you dangling over water that you'd never survive a fall into. "I guess I have no need for you then." And just like that you were falling. You could see Tony racing down for you as Spider Man fought against the Goblin but he would be to late.
And just like that you entered a word of darkness.

"She's going to be ok though right?" A voice murmured as a hand caressed your cheek, it was a familiar feeling.
You tried to open your eyes but found that you could, you tried to talk but again you couldn't. What the heck?
"Yes Mr Stark" Tony was here? "your girlfriend should wake up soon. Her mind is just coping with the trauma and lack of air it had whilst the Goblin was holding her neck. It seemed that he new what he was doing." Wait his girlfriend. Tony didn't argue with her. Why didn't he argue?
You heard a door close and a sigh left Tony's lips. "I'm so so sorry y/n, I can't believe I couldn't get to you in time. If it wasn't for Spider Man you would be dead right now. I'm such an idiot. You know why I never told you I love you?" Wait what?! "It was because I didn't want to have you be in danger from my enemies, I didn't believe that I could keep you safe. I was right I guess." All you wanted todo was speak and tell him to shut up already and kiss you.
"Sh-shu-" your eyes opened slightly but you quickly closed them again wincing at the light in the room.
"Y/n!" Tony almost yelled leaping up and crushing you too his chest. "Your awake thank god your awake." He was being so serious that you grew worried. Your face was pressed firmly into his chest and you rapped an arm around him.
"I-I-" you tried to say but your throat hurt yo much, like a bunch of knifes slicing it. He pulled away and handed you a glass of water, a notepad and pen.
"Doc said you'll need to rest your voice. Try not to talk ok baby?"
You smiled brightly despite the fact that your head and throat were throbbing Tony calling you 'baby' was something that you had always wanted him to call you.
I love you thank you for saving me. -You wrote Tony's eyes scanned the paper and he shrugged, he didn't think you meant the 'I love you' part.
"Technically it was Spider Man who saved you. His web was the thing that caught you."
I love you and I have for a while, I get it if you don't feel the same but I promised myself if I survived I'd tell you- you're heart pounder as you handed him the notepad to read.
"Do you mean that?" His eyes snapped to yours, there was so much hope in his eyes it took your breath away. When you nodded he got up from the chair again and kissed you slowly and tenderly.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you pulled him closer never wanting the moment to end. Butterflies danced in your tummy as your head spun and your heart did flips.
When the need for air was to strong you had to pull away. "Incase your wondering, I love you too, your mine now baby."

The two of you lived out the rest of your life together and eventually got married but never had a child. You were both happy nonetheless and you lived a long full life with your savour.

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