Wolverine short story- Hurtful Words (part 2)

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"Professor!" Logan stormed in the X-Men mansion at 2 in the morning, his t-shirt was ripped to shreds and very clearly stressed. Storm came rushing from the living room quickly fearing the tone of voice Logan had. That was never a good tone.
"Logan what's going on?" She tried but it was clear he wasn't listening as his eyes frantically searched for the professor.
"Where is the professor?" He growled menacingly. He remembered one of the many conversations he and the Professor had not long ago. The old man knew something and he was going to find out what.

"How have you been Logan?" The Professor asked when Logan was in his office.
"I'm fine." He snapped. Not looking at the Professor he brought out his phone seeing a text from you.
"Hey just wanted to check on you, just back from the funeral."
"How's she?" He asked not even having to look at the phone to see it was a girl, an important one at that.
"A friend."
"She doesn't look like just a friend. Logan it's ok to let yourself feel." He smiled comfortingly at the brooding man who just grumbled.
"Her name is y/n l/n. She's a friend of mine, her mother just died." He found himself saying. The professors face twisted into a face of first recognition and then of a face of almost concern. "What?" Logan growled grumpily.
"Nothing, nothing at all."
End of flashback

"Logan what's wrong." Xavier questioned. Logan was obviously in pain but in his frantic state Xavier doubted that he felt and ounce of pain.
"You know something about her! You knew he was her father didn't you?!" Logan yelled in anger.
"Let's go to my office we can-"
"God damn it old man you will tell me what you know and you'll tell me now!" Logan roared, Storm blinked surprised. She'd never seen Logan so angry.
"Logan enough, come on whatever it is we'll help you." Storm said gently. Logan's shoulders bounced slightly as if he was choking back a sob. He couldn't loose you like he lost Jean. He wouldn't loose you.
"Please Xavier, I- I... I can't loose her." He told the old man brokenly.
So into the office they went and while they were being told what had happened you were in the hands of a man with an agenda.

"I'll never do that." You snapped. You'd never leave Logan.
The man who claimed to your father smirked, his hand drew itself back and the metal rather uncomfortable chair came screeching forward. Nobody was pushing the chair from behind.
What the hell was going on?!
You screamed your eyes starting to water as you felt yourself moving.
"I will have my daughter by my side y/n. What is so good about the rest of your life? Your small apartment? Your busted up car? Your all alone y/n I don't want you to be like that. Come with me and then we can be together, you'll never have to be alone again my daughter."
"I am not alone!" You screamed at him. He was right. Who were you kidding Logan didn't care you had no real friends and money was tight yet you couldn't find it in yourself to betray him. If he cared or not didn't matter because you cared for him.
The man raised an eyebrow "Really? Do you see anyone here to rescue you?"
"He will come!" You growled trying desperately to believe your own words.
"Is that why you refuse to join me? Wolverine is keeping you back." He sighed before turning and walking towards the giant metal door. Just before he left the dimly lit room he stopped "I don't want to have to do this y/n. Consider your options please other wise I will be forced to harm another mutant."
And with that he was gone leaving you alone.

"He wasn't lying then, she really is his daughter." Logan muttered under his breath as he lay in bed. After the professors story he knew you were in no immediate danger. Magneto always wanted his daughter with him apparently but he couldn't locate you until you're ability set in.
Still thought Logan couldn't sleep.
He missed you.
He was scared, for the first time in a long time Logan was genuinely scared for you. He wanted to hold you and tell you it was all going to be ok but he couldn't.
He would find you.
And when he did he was never letting go.

Marvel one shots/ short stories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora