Wolverine Short Story- Hurtful words (end)

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Your eyes snapped open and you looked around an unfamiliar room. It was old fashioned and definitely not yours...where the hell were you?
You tried to turn around only to notice that you had two very string arms wrapped tightly around your waist.
You had to find Logan!
You frantically tried to free yourself from the persons grasp only to hear a faint growl of displeasure. "Go back to sleep y/n..." You knew that voice. Logan...he was here. He had found you! Your eyes watered as you nearly wept out of pure relief.
"Logan...I was so scared Logan." You turned as swiftly as you could, forcing  him onto his back with you on top of him. Without thinking you palmed his cheeks and brought your mouth down on his, a slow and gentle kiss.
Logan was shocked to say the least, he didn't think you'd wake up in the middle of the night and start to kiss him senseless! Still he wasn't complaining.
That kiss led to a lot more.
"You know there SUCH a cute couple! Why can't we be like that?" A female voice gurgled through your sleep. Your head rested on a hard pillow, so warm. There was a pair of arms around you, a protective arm wrapped around your waist and a warm (and huge) hand was almost possessivly holding your butt. Your bare butt.
"Because if we had sex wolverine or you would kill me. Honestly I'm more worried about wolverine than your skin." A male muttered from further away. Memories fluded your mind of the night previous, and your body flushed.
The female grumbled a response. Your 'pillow' started to move, the hand on your butt and around your waist suddenly pulling the sheets you lay under almost over your head.
Logan did not want anyone else seeing your bare body, and you were thankful for that.
"Get the fuck out!" Logan growled. His rough morning voice making it ten times more sexy. The girl, however, was not for leaving.
"Logan how could you not tell me you have a gorgeous girlfriend! You have so much explaining todo! I had to find out from Storm!" You recognised the slight southern American accent when the girl spoke. This must be Rough. Shit! You were caught, naked, in Logan's bed, in front of his (basically) daughter!
Oh this was so messed up.
"I swear, kid, if you wake said gorgeous girlfriend I will have to kill you. You have not seen her in the morning and I ain't having your boyfriend seeing my girl naked. I doubt you want that either. Get the fuck out when I tell ya." Logan's hand went to the top of your head, stroking it comfortingly. You poked his side letting him know your awake.
It took a few seconds for them to leave. The door closed with a screech of protest from both Rough and itself.
"You know, she's a bit of a firecracker." You mumbled lifting yourself into a sitting position, tightly holding the bedsheets up to cover yourself.
"Isn't it a bit late for that y/n?" He laughed lightheartedly kissing your cheek. The two of you took a few seconds just to stare into each others eyes. Logan's rough callous hand touched your cheek in a loving way. "I'm so so sorry y/n. I should've never...I got mad. I didn't mean anything I said. I nearly caused you to be taken away forever. I would've lost you sweetheart... I couldn't live through that."
"I love you Logan, you know that. I fought for you. I wouldn't have joined them willingly. I'm so sorry I hurt when I used my power...I didn't know I had it." Your foreheads rested against each others "I love you. You can't lose me because I will always come back to you...your my best friend, my boyfriend. I couldn't have lived without you." He laughed stoking your side lovingly.
"I guess my hurtful words didn't ruin my chances after all, huh."

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