Winter Soldier Short Story- Then (part 2)

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Then nothing. The air was thick and tense each person waiting for the enemy to make the first move.
You thought back as much as you could, but all you could remember was being with Master and Bucky. You knew that you had family, somewhere, yet you never had any urge to find them. You were alive and happy. There was no need to potentially ruin it.
Bucky kept you behind him, simultaneously holding your hand in a vise like grip. It was comforting in this stressful situation.
"Bucky listen to me-"
"No you listen to me she's not going anywhere. She can't remember anything before she was taken by those thugs and I will not let you hurt her for a crime she may or may not have committed. I love her Steve, friend or not I'll kill you if you touch her." You looked out from behind him and saw Black Widows face looking rather shocked.
"You mean to tell me she really can't remember she's-" the black man with metal wings started to say but Natasha sent him a look that had him instantly closing his mouth.

Look let's all calm down and talk. There's no point in fighting when we are not here to hurt either of you." The man Bucky referred to as Steve sighed massaging his temple. Iron Man nodded but continued to glare at your boyfriend with murderous eyes.
Bucky looked at you as if asking permission so you squeezed his hand and sent him a gentle smile. "Fine." He sighed squeezing your hand back. "Can you please wait in the other room for a minute I want to talk to y/n"
All 7 of them walked out of the room but not before giving you both the look of 'try to escape we will find you'.
"You need to put on a shirt. It's cold." You muttered when he turned around to look into your eyes. You placed a hand on his bare chest and looked up into his eyes. The warm brown eyes of your lover greeted you and you swallowed hard. He looked almost scared. "I've been trying so hard to remember my past Bucky, I really have I just...I just can't remember. Whatever happens out there promise me that you won't leave me. I'm a different person now and I don't know what the past me did."
It was a desperate plead that you needed him to except, you were scared of what you had done before you found him.
Because you didn't know who you were back then.
"I love you y/n. Don't ever worry about me leaving." Just like he always did he kissed you so gently, like you were a porsiline doll. When he pulled away you handed him a shirt and the two of you walked hand in hand out to great the mass of intruders in your home.
"Are you guys ready? It's probably going to be a shock." The man with a bow and arrows on his back said almost comfortingly. Bucky still stood in front of you, just slightly to the side.
You nodded slowly and swallowed hard "I- I have to know. I've spent so long trying to remember a life I had with people I don't know."
The other avengers stood again a wall watching for signs of any trouble.
"You were engaged."

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