"what do you mean which one?"

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the club had set the atmosphere. marvin and whizzer were tasting the alcohol on each others lips. in the course of events, they had felt around for a door leading to the alleyway. marvin smirked and unbuttoned his pants.
when they finished, both were breathless when they said their goodbyes. they collected themselves and parted their separate ways.

~~~~~~*one year later*~~~~~~

"oh, marvin, you have a blind date today at 7:00. dont be late!" charlotte sprung this upon marvin when they were cleaning up after lunch.

"surprise!" cordelia grinned, clutching the drying rag.

"you guys really, really, didnt have to do this." he rolled his eyes.

"his name is whizzer and youre going to a fancy italian place so dress nice!" charlotte replied.

"have fun!" delia singsonged.


marvin took a breath and opened the restaurant door. he found his date already seated and walked over to greet him.

"hi! im marvin." he reached out a hand.

"whizzer." whizzer shook it, and marvin felt a familiarity in his voice and hand.

after talking a little bit about themselves and eating, whizzer was realizing how odd marvin was acting. "excuse me, i dont mean to be rude, but youve been looking at me weird all night. did i say something that upset you?"

"no no, you just look familiar," he cleared his throat, "do you... go to any gay bars?"

"yeah, i go to solars."

marvins eyes widened. "oh my god."


"this is going to be... awkward," he cleared his throat, "you may or may not have, um..."

"um... what?" whizzer leaned forward.

"...gone down on me? like, after a night of flirting and partying we went to an alleyway and, yeah."

"oh! you were one of those guys." whizzer replied, looking off into the distance like he was trying to remember marvin. "what?" he laughed.

"im, 'one of those guys?' like, not even memorable."

"yeah, after 15, 20-"

"15, 20?" marvin exclaimed.

"-it kind of blurs together. to be honest i dont really remember you." he took a bite of his food.

marvin was astonished. how could he be forgotten like this? he cleared his throat and stood up. "well, whizzer, its been nice meeting you, but this wont be working out."

he raised his eyebrows. "what, are you sad that your penis wasnt memorable? do you want me to exclaim to the whole restaurant how memorable you were?"

marvin grew red. "you wouldnt."

whizzer stood closer than comfortable against marvin so that their noses were touching. "make. me."

marvin walked away and left. when he got back to cordelia and charlottes house, they asked how it went.

"its a long story," he began to say before he felt a buzz in his back pocket. there was a message from whizzer that read:
what was that about making me?
"but i think we might see each other again." marvin finished, biting his lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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