beauty blender

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*marvins pov*

dish washing is so boring. i liked the idea of eating the food, its just dish washing is so... boring. we had just finished having linguini (like we do once a week) and it was my turn to wash up. the soapy water was starting to drench the bottom of my sleeves, which had fallen down in the process of my scrubbing.

scrubbing. ugh. i normally use a dish rag, but today i suppose whizzer brought out a sponge. it was an odd shape, and hot pink, but it seemed to work fine so i wasnt complaining. it didnt seem completely new, it had brown stains on it. i never knew our dishes were that dirty.

"marv! have you seen my beauty blender?" whizzers sweet voice yelled down to me from the bathroom. hes always watching these makeup tutorials that i have trouble keeping up with. too many steps.

"whiz, i dont even know what that is!"

"how..?" he tsks from the doorway. "if you find a hot pink, egg-shaped sponge like thing tell me!" he starts walking out of the bathroom, and thats when i realize whats in my hand: whizzers beauty blender. in the fastest way possible, i throw the sopping wet egg onto the counter and grab a rag. whizzer comes up from behind and wraps his arms around me, kissing my neck, until he stops in his tracks to see the blender. soapy. wet. covered in food. completely ruined. crap.

"marv, is that what i think it is...?"


he turns me around, frowning. i suddenly really realize what ive done. "marvin! do you know how expensive these things are? this costed, like, fifty bucks! it was my favorite one!" how can someone be so angry over something that blends makeup?

"whizzer, it was on the counter! it looked like a sponge! i thought you got something out for me to wash dishes! i can buy you a new one! do you remember the brand? i can make it up to you." this will cost me. i dont know what hes going to do to me to make it up.

"youll do anything?" his eyes look mischievous.

"yes! anything!"

"alright then. i remember my brand. i want you to buy me a new one, and the rest of your 'anything' will come after."


*whizzers pov*

i am an artist. my canvas is wherever a face is, and today that face is... marvin. he told me he would make it up, and thats exactly what he (and i) are doing. im making him up! its interesting, ive never seen him with actual makeup on. hes tried following along a few times with me, but he ends up getting bored or giving up.

"marvin, stop moving your eyelid!"

"i cant help it! this feels weird."

"im almost finished with the eyeliner. this will be a bit exciting for you to see, and a little for me." my steady hand finishes off the line when i see the full look coming together. its a subtle look, but you could tell hes wearing makeup. i even added a bit of lipstick. im excited to see his reaction.

"alright, you can look now!" he opens his eyes and looks surprised. "do you like it?" im bursting with excitement.

"wow, whizzer, this is so... different. i dont completely know what exactly im feeling..." he has a slight confusion in his voice, and i slightly deflate.

"you hate it, dont you?" i start to pout.

"no, whizzer! i dont hate it! it was just surprising to see myself like this! its.. really good actually. i love it." he looks into my eyes with such sincerity, and i kiss him. the lipstick gets on my face, but i dont care.

"lets take this somewhere else?"

"alright, but take off your makeup first."

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