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"come on, marvin! were almost there!" whizzer said excitedly, pulling marvin by the wrist to get to build a bear before it closed. it was whizzers idea to go to the store, and marvin was just happy to be on another date with whizzer. theyd been together for a few years, and they both feel like theyre in love for the first time every day. the harsh cold of january was still very there, but whizzers hand was still warm even if it wasnt in a glove. it felt nice around marvins wrist.

"whiz, slow down! well get there in time!" he looked at the boy with love in his eyes. even despite a small, but warm, pain in his wrist after being dragged for a few feet. "ow, my wrist is hurting! can you at least lighten your grip?"

"oh, come on! were here!" they are standing before the doors of the bear factory, and a glowing sign that read:

"welcome! are you ready to make your bear?" the friendly worker greets them warmly, walking them through the steps on how to make one. after marvin picks out a pink and purple one for whizzer, and whizzer picks out a blue and green bear for marvin, they decide to customize their voice box for each bear. whizzer speaks in marvins bear and marvin speaks in whizzers. after they pay, they start to go on a walk.

"what did you say in mine?" whizzer asks anxiously.

"its a surprise. hey, how about we go to the diner? grab a milkshake and some fries?" marvin sounded suspicious.

"ok, but i want to find out what you said in mine as soon as possible! for what its worth, mine says all of the reasons i love you."

"awe whizzer that is so sweet!" they lean in for a kiss, and walk the rest of the way holding hands. finally, they arrive. its their favorite diner, and its where they had their first date. so many memories had been shared there. it was always open, so sometimes they would go for a milkshake at four a.m. they share an order of fries and a strawberry milkshake, with marvin eating all the whipped cream on the top. its fine with whizzer though, he doesnt like whipped cream. another reason why whizzer loves him: he eats what whizzer doesnt like.

"so, marv, are you going to tell me what you said in the bear?" whizzers puppy dog eyes shine through, knowing that always works when he wanted his way with marvin.

"oh, yes, sorry! i think its better if i show you. you can stay seated, though." marvin stands, and takes whizzers bear out. he goes on one knee, and presses the bear.

"oh my god, marvin!" whizzers eyes start to tear up, and he puts his hands to his mouth in surprise.

marvins voice, coming from the bear says "will you marry me?"

"yes! yes! oh my god! yes!" whizzer is starting to cry, and his words are breathless. "i love you so much! yes!"

marvins eyes start to water. "im so glad! ive been planning this out for a while, ive just been waiting for the perfect time!" this was the happiest day of both of their lives.

they had spent the rest of the time at the diner talking about wedding plans, kids, and how much they loved each other. they were there the whole night. when they had left, there were four empty milkshake glasses, three empty fries containers, and and two full hearts ready for what was next.

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