Chapter 1

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"Marco, stop hogging all the nachos," Star gigged at the boy who was stuffing his face in nachos.

He swallowed and looked at her, then passed her the bowl. She shoved her hand in and stuffed a handful of the triangle food into her mouth. "Sorry Star, I got a big day tomorrow. Karate waits for nobody, and I have to be well-fed."

Star looked at Marco, her cheeks puffed out and cheese and crumbs covering her lips. Marco pointed at her. "Um, you got a little something. Right there."

She wiped her face with a hand and swallowed, then dove in for another handful of her favorite earth food. Marco watched her intently, then his eyes wandered from her face to the top of her head.

Her headband. It was those devil horns that she wore so much. Ya know, as he thought about it, he never asked her exactly why she wore them. He never thought much of it actually and took her word for it. He saw it as some sort of joke on her character. She was cute, funny, but don't mess with her or else she'll make you wish you didn't with her magic skills, kind of like an ironic joke.

He looked at the young princess, hesitating a little. "Star?"

"Yesssss Marco," Star replied, taking a bite of another chip, "Do I have something on my face again?"

"No, I just thought I would ask you something. Uh, why do you wear that headband so much?" He pointed to the accessory on her head.

Star looked up and adjusted them. "Oh, my red horns?" She smiled brightly. "I wear them all the time because they're my favorite! They tell the world I'm fierce, but fun. Wild, but get things done. That I'm a leader, but good at dancing!"

"How do they say that?"

"They just do, Marco," Star snorted. "Don't question it."

So he was right about something. It was an ironic joke on her character just as he thought. But there was one other thing that he was itching to ask. How exactly did she get those and why? Did she find them? Did someone give them to her? Did she steal them? Marco spoke again. "How exactly did you get them?"

The blonde princess looked at him, her smile fading to a confused look. "Why do you want to know that?"

"Just curious."

She scoffed and waved a hand. "Oh Marco, that's a pretty long story. I don't think you want to hear it."

Marco leaned back on the couch. "I've got plenty of time."

Star grumbled and rolled her eyes. "Fiiine. Okay, so I got them from Tom when we were together... I used to wear kitty ears before I got these, because I thought they looked cuter."

The boy laughed and smirked. "Who would've guessed you got them from the angry demon guy? I mean, that guy is pretty insane. I'm surprised he even gave them to you, let alone anything."

Star wasn't laughing however, and he could see sadness within her blue eyes. "Yeahhh, he had some anger issues that he couldn't work out, and I couldn't put up with it anymore. When we broke up, he couldn't take no for an answer."

"I know, Star. He tried to bond your souls together at that creepy Blood Moon Ball."

"Yeahhhhh..." Star looked away.

"So, what exactly lead him up to giving those to you?" Marco leaned closer to her, and the blonde looked at him before she exhaling. He could tell he was annoying her with the questions.

"Okayyyyy Marco. Since you won't give it up, I'll tell you."

The Story Behind the Horns | Star vs the Forces of Evil Where stories live. Discover now