Chapter Thirty-Nine

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They were to break into the Sheriffs office, once the precinct had closed. They needed to know the basics before they could expand ever so further.

He walked down the overgrown path leading up to the tracks, his face instantly illuminating when he saw her. She started to walk up to him, making the distance between them shorter.

They greeted one another with an appreciative smile.

"Ready?" He asked, running his thumb over the bones of her knuckles.

"Yeah. Well I suppose so." She chuckled.

The started down the tracks, arm in arm. From the an outsiders perspective, looking like Romeo and Juliet. Two star crossed lovers, a forbidden romance. Sneaking out late at night, not wanting to be caught. Probably planning to run away together to a far off land to live out their own happily ever after.

But as with all Shakespeare literary master pieces, their very own couldn't escape the tragedy written for them. An d there was no way Jughead could prepare himself this time...

They cornered in on the station. The windows dark, the spacious building empty. Bettys phone read two thirty. Well past any possible over time shifts.

They headed around to the back of the building, in silence not wanting to draw any attention to themselves.

Like they had previously schemed, the lowest window directly corresponding into the Sheriffs office was loose. The latch would easily become loosened, with a few manipulations using a pin from Bettys hair.

Betty jittered with the pin at first, but as she got used to it. Made quick progress. Within minutes she had the window held open, allowing Jughead to climb inside.

He clambered inside, his lanky long legs making his mission ten times more difficult. His arms bending awkwardly, as he squeezed himself through the small gap. Betty followed, finding no issue. Climbing through the window, as she flows through life perfectly.

Her eyes drifted toJughead, peeping his head out of the door. Making sure they were alone.

"Okay. Were alone." He stated, releasing stress and the butterflies in Bettys stomach.

They both then turned their attention to the murder board, identical to their own.

Except a few extra key pieces of evidence... and a few startling revelations.

Both murders had ties to the Lodges and Cheryl of course. But what surprised them was that their own names appeared with thumbtacks and strings attached to the photo of Clifford and Penelope.

"What the hell is this?" Jughead asked scratching his head.

"We are suspects."

Jughead's gaze still fixated on their names, Betty explored the rest of the board. Evidence alarming them.

"Jughead start taking pictures we don't want to miss anything." She ordered.

"Right Boss." He said sarcasm present, though his heart want in it. Themselves being suspects still raging on his mind.

"No forced signs of entry... no other DNA than those Blossom... no signs of distress in Penelope when she died meaning she was aware who her killer was. Its all pointing to Cheryl."

"It is. Take photos of the documents and how they suspect us. We can read them over later." He said sifting through the thick pile of papers atop the sheriffs desk labelled : "Top priority."

"Okay but lets get out of here... something feels off." She asked rubbing her arms.

He looped his arm around her back. "Okay but I think your paranoid."

She smiled a glare In his direction. They headed back out the window, closing it behind them. Making their way back to the railway tracks. But instead of going their separate ways like expected, Jughead followed Betty. Down the streets of Riverdale, down by Pops, past Veronicas, past Archie. Right to Bettys house.

He pulled her close as their heads rested on the pillow. He had set his alarm for six in the morning, giving him chance to scamper back home before breakfast , before anyone noticed his absence.

He stroked her hair, taking her beauty in. The duvet was appealing and tender on their bare legs, but not more appealing than each other.

She rested her head on his bare chest, his heart beating into her head. His arms wrapped around her back and waist.

She eventually dozed off into dreamless sleep, whilst he stayed awake a little longer. Trying to in grave this picture into his memory. Because even though he likes to deny it, he still has a grave fear of losing this. Of losing this.

But he cant lose a memory, they are the only things that stick through and through.

His eyelids fell heavy. The sound breaths of Betty forcing him into his own trance.

Despite the lack of it, It was the best sleep he had since the last time they spent the night together.

She fell asleep easy not because she was tired, but because she wasn't alone. She had him, he protected her, cared for her...

Loved her.

Riverdale: What no one saw coming...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat