Chapter 8-enigma.

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He could hear her shout.The noise of the park had cut out most of what she tried to say, all he could hear was a grown woman shouting gibberish.

" Good God! these women and their etiquettes."

As he reached the entrance of the park the voices died down and were replaced by horns of the vehicles on the road.He turned to check if the woman had left the bench, unsurprisingly she was sitting there deep in thoughts.

"Poor girl, she thought she was on her way to the next story .little did she know about me haha"

 'Leigh siede's heroics helps save 30 women from the clutches of sex trafficking ' read one headline, another called her 'the face of journalism'. The story had brought her a lot of attention, so she might have been on the lookout for another one which would permanently put her on the top.

"thirst for attention haha "

The streets were jam-packed with vehicles on the roads and the pavements with people walking haphazardly towards their destinations.The horns of the car and the rest of the noises blend in harmony to produce a maximum amount of noise pollution, at least enough to make a sensitive person go insane.

Stephen was bothered by none, he was indifferent to it all.He had the ability to cut everything out, his thoughts were on the piece of note he had.The note was the most precious thing in the world to him.It was the final piece of his puzzle, he finally had the answer to his question.The final quest had found him rather than him searching for it.

"should I fit the last piece now or should I do it later?"

His smirk broadened." I have enough time to do it ."


station 11 -City square division.

The air was filled with tension, every passing moment the tension kept increasing and with that their window was closing in.If every thing goes as per the plan they will finally have a break through in the case for the first time in months.The case had humiliated them enough and had brought enough disgrace to the entire force.

The change in fortune was all thanks to the interim detective, one of the best detectives in the country. The mayor pressurized the head of the force to get him to handle the case and he finally accepted the case.Being the smart ass he was, he put in a series of demand to which the mayor had to succumb to. The list included luxury stay, daily allowance in the range of what a high-level official of the government could get.

He was a strong believer in the phrase 'If you are good at something, don't do it for free'.

He religiously follows the motto and never compromises it in front anything.He was immune to the all the emotional manipulations frequently used by the scumbags he often worked with.

The group of 12 were well equipped, they had enough protection and ammunition to take on a bunch of people without loss of life on their side.They were alert and were waiting for the command on their wireless, they had the street covered from every side.

like an eagle circling its prey,  the interim detective and the control room operators were waiting for their opportunity to pounce on the suspect.

The wireless came to life and blurted out " suspect is crossing the street, his hands are wrapped around something, difficult to identify the object"

"requesting permission to engage before the window closes ."

Both Leo and the operator nodded in unison, they finally had an agreement on the timing.

"Permission granted.  The suspect is dangerous and possibly armed and remember no collateral damage.Good luck team." replied Leo.

Leo, the detective was finally going to get the suspect, he smiled to himself.weeks of sleepless nights and going through case files was finally going to bear fruit.

He thought " hey mysterious one, once I get a hold of you.I am going to break that wall of enigma around you."

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