Opening Song: Good Bye Memories

Start from the beginning

Tomodachi no manma ja

[Mou iya nano]

Iou to omotteta…


Kimi no…

Kimi no koto zutto…




Aa yatto ieta


The sakura are in bloom

I’ve grown fond of this hill road

Ah, parting is such…

Those days of tears and laughter

As if they were only yesterday

This path now leads to the future

At least that’s what I think

The years bloomed and ended too quickly

You were totally happy about it

I simply just smiled

and said [I agree]

It wasn’t even long ago and yet

we can no longer go back to it

The feelings I couldn’t even express in words

yet still wanted to disclose to you

I wanted to do so

From the beginning till the end

We walked the way home together

Those treasured memories

I’ll never ever forget them


Spring has come, with it many other roads

I’ve always hoped for a day we’ll meet again

[Goodbye] I murmured softly

The skies then slowly changed, into blue

that’s why I cried for a little a bit

I even took a detour on purpose

So for just a little longer

I can be together with you…

I also jokingly said

[Oops, my bad]

I just had to indulge myself

on your smiling face and your sparkling eyes

The feelings I couldn’t even express in words

The simple walk we had I hold so dearly in my heart

Do you remember it too?

At that time

You called out my name

Two people walking home together under the night sky

I’ll never ever forget them


I’m very thankful for having ever met you

That was the very first time I saw the sakura in full bloom

How long has it been since…

Has everything changed?

Looking back, I suddenly remember

saying [This is the person I'll fall in love with]

I wonder why so?

I really have no idea

After that, each day made me very happy

yet at the same time

it was also painful.

Somehow, I couldn’t even say [Sorry]

That’s why I, you, er

wait, I’ll say something…

But right now

~I still don’t want to say goodbye~

Being stuck as just a friend

No way… I don’t want that…

I was going to say



you… always…

…Always! Ever since the beginning,

I’ve always loved you!

Aa, I finally said it.

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