"Ewww!" She gagged.

"What did you say his name was?" He got closer to the girl getting in her face.

She scooted back, panicking a little. "P-p-p-p-"

"Spit it out, kid! What. Was. His. Name!" Oglaz shook her shoulders violently, screaming in her face.

Sally broke down in tears, screaming and crying for anyone to come up and save her. Footsteps thundered closer to her room and he knew that if they saw him, he would get killed by the Pastas. Taking his cloak, the man jumped out of the window and escaped into the forest. Clockwork, L.J., and Ben flung open her door to find Sally in tears.

"Sally, what's wrong?" Clockwork knelt next to her and searched her eyes.

"Hey, kiddo, no more tears," L.J. smiled, wiping away her tears.

"M-M-Mr. Oglaz was mean to me!" She wailed.

"You're imaginary friend?" Clockwork asked.

"H-he's real! He hurt m-m-me," she sniffled.

Ben looked at her at her shoulders and gasped. There on her little arms were two purple bruises in the shape of large hands. "Ben, go take her to Jack if he's not busy with Y/N. If he is busy, get the first aid kit in the kitchen," Clockwork ordered.

Ben nodded and picked up the little one taking her downstairs. "C'mon, Sals, let's go get those bruises patched up, yeah?" He let her rest her head on his shoulder and wrap her arms around his neck.

L.J. waited until they were out of earshot before he turned to look at Clockwork. "Those bruises could only mean..."

"Sally's imaginary friend isn't as imaginary as we thought," Clockwork finished. "We have to tell Slenderman."


"What do you mean he might not be able to speak? His injuries have to eventually heal, right? All of ours do," Jane sniffed, letting go of Jeff.

"Not all of our wounds heal. If that were true, Jeff wouldn't have his smile. Me, Ben, and Sally wouldn't have goo and blood dripping down our bodies for the rest of our lives. Your burns would've healed by now," Jack said. "A wound that significant and threatening could impact someone's life forever. Just like our's did."

"B-but, we're not like him. We all started out normal people! Y/N was born a demon-"

"-more or less-" E.J. interrupted.

"-and will always be a demon! His... wait, what do you mean 'more or less'?" She finished.

"Most of the Creepypastas think that Y/N is Zalgo's son. A purebred demon in the blood and flesh," Jack said.

"And you're right," Masky reassured.

"To an extent," E.J. added. "Ever wonder why his blood and wings are purple when a demon's blood should be black?"

Now that she thought about it, that always did stand out on your qualities. Demon blood was always black or a dark crimson red. Their wings - if they obtained any - were black or brown or red. Yours were purple along with your blood. None of them ever wondered why you were like that, they just assumed they were supposed to be like that. But if there was something wrong with you, Jane was prepared to do anything to bring you back.

"What's wrong with him? Is there anything we can do to fix it?" She started asking frantically.

E.J. chuckled. "There's nothing wrong with him, it's just his genetics. His father - like most - had the dominant gene and so, he in return, looks like Zalgo for the most part. The wings and blood, however, are from what we assume are his mother's characteristics and genetics mixing with his demonic genes from his father."

"What type of creature is his mom?" She asked.

"He won't say," Masky sighed.

"I assume he still keeps it apart of his old life," Jack sat down in the chair next to your bed. "It's best not to pry him to much about his past. Lord knows we all have our emotional baggage around here, we better just leave him with his."

Jane suddenly felt very guilty. If it weren't for her prying, you wouldn't have snapped, she wouldn't have striked, and maybe you would've been more prepared for the Rake's blow. Maybe if you both would've kept walking, he wouldn't have even came around. This was all her fault.

As if he read her mind, Masky placed a hand on her shoulder. "None of this is your fault, Jane."

"Yes, it is," she wiped the flow of tears from her eyes. "This is all of my f*cking fault."

"Even if it is, you still managed to bring him home and get him to E.J.," Jeff smiled sincerly behind his carved smile. "You even wanted to make sure he was okay before you were taken care of."

"You were... very... brave," Hoodie murmured.

"Hey, E.J.! Can you come and patch up the kid! She got some nasty bruises on her arms that need attention!" Ben called from the hallway.

"Coming!" He replied. "We'll leave you hear alone with him."

The others nodded and followed E.J. back to the living room, closing the door. Jane sighed and looked back at your resting face. It wasn't a resting bitch face like hers tended to be. It was a very calm and peaceful look. Almost as if you were dead. She shook that thought out of her head violently and cursed herself mentally.

"He's gonna be okay, he's gonna be okay," she whispered repeatedly, "he's gotta be okay. You're gonna be okay, Madness. You're going to be just fine..." she broke down in tears again, holding your limp hand 'til she cried herself to sleep.

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