"Yeah, I am fine. Just thinking." Sophie looks up at with her sea blue eyes. "You can talk to me girl. You know that right?" Sophie nods her head. "Yeah I know, I know." Sophie huffs. "Then what is up?" Patrick leans over to Sophie. "I want to talk about it later." Sophie looks back down at her feet. "Alright kid. Whatever you say works." 

~In Airport Landed~

"Okay I say we go to the bathroom before we leave." I say rolling my suitcase along. "I agree. You and Sophie go first I will what the stuff." Patrick takes my bags from me. "Thank you." I kiss his check. "Come on Sophie." I take Sophie's hand as we walk to the woman's room. Before we walk in I hear Sophie let out a large sigh. "Sophie I do not care what you think; you are telling me what is up once we getting to the hotel room. You do not have to tell Patrick, but I want to make sure you are okay." I hug Sophie seeing her face grin. "Thanks I need to take it."

~Patrick's P.O.V.~

While I wait for (Y/N) and Sophie I take out my phone to tell the guys that we made it. 

Me: Hey guys we made it! 

Me: Also Gerard and Frank I need help

SassQueenGee: Oh good you guys made it! What is up friend?

Short Stack: You good?

Spider Gwen: You taking care of (Y/N)?

Me: Yes now, Gee and Frank I need help. Something is up with Sophie and I have no clue what is going on!

SassQueenGee: Well what is going on?

Me: Well I was talking about how we were going to have a great time on tour and I called (Y/N) and Sophie my girls. And she seemed sad when I said it

Bread Bin: What is happening?

Spider Gwen: Something is up with Sophie.

Bread Bin: Oh ok then I hope she is ok

Short Stack: Well maybe she misses her real dad. You Trick this is all still new to her.

Me: I would say that but when I called her (Y/N)'s mini she just looked at the ground like she was keeping something from us. 

SassQueenGee: Well make her feel safe, so she can open up to you

PrettyOddBoy: Bren this is why no kids. I have to do this with you

Bread Bin: Shush up I want to see were this goes!

Me: Brendon Boyd Urie Sophie might not be my real kid, but her life is not movie!

Short Stack: He does have a point there

Bread Bin: I mean I want to see were this goes, so then I know that Sophie is safe. Dude the girl is awesome I want her to be safe.

Me: Thank you GTG

"Hey I am I going to run to the bathroom and then we can go!" I see (Y/N) and Sophie.

~Sophie's P.O.V.~ (A/N OMG SOPHIE'S P.O.V.?! THIS IS NEW!)

Girl. My girls. Hey girl. 

I love Patrick. I love (Y/N). Just that I have a hard time with myself. The few months with my mom were hard. I was not normal. I did not wear dresses and skirts and I still do not. When my dad was alive he would take me clothes shopping and I would stray into the boy's section. I never really wore girl's clothes or wore make up. When my dad was alive he would let me get my hair really short. Like really short and I loved it! I felt better about myself. I felt ready for the world, but when it all ended my hair got really, really long. I hate it. I hate when people call me a girl. I hate when I have to go into the girl's bathroom because there is no, no gender bathroom. I hate my growing breast. When I was done with this madness (Dad dying, mom drinking, her boyfriend.) I found the best escape. That escape was the "From Under The Cork Tree Album". By listening to that I got into P!ATD and MCR and (Y/N/N) and so many others. I felt safe where people did not care who you were. They did not care what color skin you had or what you believe in. The do not care you are a boy or girl. Or a boy trapped in a girl's body. 

"Hey Sophie Patrick is back lets grab a cab and go to the hotel." (Y/N) shakes me a bit. "Yeah cool." I say lightly as I grab my bags. As we walked out (Y/N) and Patrick extra close to me. I mean they are always around me, but they were closer. I felt nice and safe. Patrick gets up a cab and the man drives us to the hotel. "Soph! Lets go!" I stand at the side walk staring off into space. "Yeah coming!" I run up to Patrick grabbing his hand. I get a fake smile on my face as me walk in. (Y/N) checks us in and we get to our room. The room had one queen bed for Patrick and (Y/N). And there was a twin bed for me. I drop all of my things on my bed and look over to see (Y/N) talking to Patrick. "Hey Sophie I am, going to go for a walk. I will we back soon." Patrick walks over to me and gives me a hug. "Cool see you then." I smile hugging back. Patrick quickly kisses (Y/N) then heads out the door. 

"Alright friend lay it on me. Tell me what you want to let go of and I will keep it safe." (Y/N) pulls up a chair to bed; sitting in it backwards. "W-well I do n-not know how the p-put this-" I begin. "Okay I am going to say this last thing and then you can go, but I will love you for the amazing person you are. You know what ever it is Patrick and I will keep you safe. Even your many uncles and one aunt." (Y/N) grabs my hand. "I-I know. W-well I was never really normal when I was younger. I had really short hair and I loved it and I know that some people have short hair who are girls and they really like, but that is not what I am saying here." I huff. "I would stray from my dad and look at boy's clothes. If I had friends they were all boys. I do not like w-when you and Patrick call me 'girl' or 'growing woman'. (Y/N), I want to be a growing boy." Tears start to well in my eyes. No one knew about me being transgender and telling one of my heroes as my first is a big leap. "To sum it up I am transgender. I know young age, but I want to be a boy. I do not feel right as a girl. So can you please help me complete this dream of mine?" Tears start to fall down my eyes.

"Why are you crying? Blue you are so brave. You told me something you have been holding onto forever now and you let it go. I still find you to be apart of the family. I still find you funny. I still find you amazing!" (Y/N) pulls me into a deep hug. "Alright little man we need to talk about who you are ready to know and who are you going to wait on." (Y/N) pulls away from me smiling. "Well pretty much all of my uncles and one aunts are gay, pan, bi, or straight and do not care about that stuff, so I do not care any more." I shrug. "Do you want me to text the guys to tell them that you are using he/him or what?" (Y/N) takes out her phone. "Yeah I want to tell them. They are my new family." I wipe more tears off my face. 

~In Phone~

(Y/N/N): Ok everyone Sophie uses he/him and his name is most likely going to be changed

Bread Bin: Tell him that I am proud!

PrettyOddBoy: Tell him that he is still apart of the family

Milky Way: Tell him that he can see us anytime

Pete the Treat: Tell him that we are still buds

Spider Gwen: Tell him that I am still his one aunt

Walking 1000 Miles: Tell him that I still find him cool

SassQueenGee: Tell him that he rocks in my books

Short Stack: Tell him I will still give him dating tips

King of CrossFit: Tell him that he still has a good taste in drummers

King Fro Fro: Tell him that he is always free to come over and chat

Patrick Tree: Tell him I still love him and he is my son

~Out Of Phone~

(Y/N) hands me her phone and I go through the newest text. My eyes fill with tears again. "I love (Y/N) so much thank you." Say handing her back; hugging her in the process. "Anything for you blue." (Y/N) smiles. "Now you can not have the 'Sophie' unless you want to." 

"Nah never really liked it." I shake my head. "Well what would you like then?"

"Declan. Declan (Y/L/N)-Stump."






(This have might have taken longer, I was listening to Always thinking I was ok, but no. I get really sad when I listen to it, so I am sorry.)

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